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@Renata22 I had one last week, and loved it! It was the first Frosty I'd had in probably 2 years...and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Re: Pumpkin Spice Frosty

[ Edited ]


@JeanLouiseFinch  While I understand your right to a different viewpoint, especially since you follow a Keto diet, I don't agree that it was at all necessary to seek out the item's nutrition facts and feel the need to post it.  I'm sure people here are quite intelligent enough to realize what and why they consume a treat and that it's their business.  In my opinion, it comes across as lecturing or disciplining, even though you say you don't care what people do.      


I could point out several, very serious dangers and, as you stated,  "eventually serious consequences" of being on a Keto diet, but I won't because it's not my place to do so or the need to post it.  It's your decision and lifestyle, just as others have their lifestyle and decisions.   

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Not even a fan of pumpkin spice, but once a year it's worth a try. People say DQ's pumpkin Blizzard is good too.


It's disappointing when food experts attempt to shame people. There are plenty of lifestyle choices I don't approve of, but I don't think it's my place to lecture under the guise of free speech. I'm more prone to asking questions to make sure I understand those decisions. 

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Wendy's sells a jr little granddaughter likes them since she can't finish a small size....doubting she would like the pumpkin spice flavor, but if you are super worried about the nutritional value, then order a jr size. 
I don't like frosties of any kind, but live and let live, and don't condemn those that do enjoy them. 

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@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@shoesnbags wrote:

Wow, way to rain on OP's parade!  I'm one who generally avoids this kind of thing for precisely the reason you point out, but I wouldn't post it here.  Some folks are just not concerned about sugar, fat, etc. and that's their right.  And some might generally eat very healthy and then splurge on an occasional treat. 

@shoesnbags  You're right, many people aren't concerned.  But I am, and I would be remiss I'd I didn't say something.  People can do what they want but eventually there are consequences.  Our society is laden with diseases that could be significantly reduced if people only paid attention to what they're doing to their bodies via the consumption of sugar.  Sugar feeds cells, including the bad ones. With the increase of sugar consumption there's also a rise in assorted diseases - dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, etc.  

I agree with you @JeanLouiseFinch, my rule is I do not drink my calories.  Everyone says this Frosty is really good but I do not think I have had a Frosty since I was in college.  I am 61 now maybe later I will indulge but for now waiting till Thanksgiving for pumpkin pie.Woman LOL

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@Renata22  OOOH that does sound so good!!  And as far as it being "horrible" nutrition wise, I think we can figure that out ourselves.  No one is going to believe there is anything nutritional in this.  But for those that want a fall treat, I have no problem for that.  For those that adhere "strickly" to their assigned diet kudos to you!  

     Personally, it doesn't really matter how healthy we are in reality we could die from anything at any time, I'm for an occasional treat.  I don't make it a habit, but since this is seasonal, I don't see a problem (unless you are on a medically controlled diet) to not indulge once in a while.  Since I could die tomorrow, I'm not going to turn down a moment of pleasure.  If I have to meet my maker tomorrow, I'm going with a pumpkin spice frosty mustache and a smile.  Yup I know it's not good for me.  I admire all those that stick to their "pure, clean" eating, and never ever touch anything with an additive or a preservative, but I'm good with being imperfect once in a great while Smiley Happy

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I highly doubt everyone who comes hear and boasts of eating only clean, raw, and healthy actually does without some " cheating. So many say they order the food TSVs and I can't recall the last one that seemed healthy.  To each his own.

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Re: Pumpkin Spice Frosty

[ Edited ]

@eadu4 wrote:

@Renata22  OOOH that does sound so good!!  And as far as it being "horrible" nutrition wise, I think we can figure that out ourselves.  No one is going to believe there is anything nutritional in this.  But for those that want a fall treat, I have no problem for that.  For those that adhere "strickly" to their assigned diet kudos to you!  

     Personally, it doesn't really matter how healthy we are in reality we could die from anything at any time, I'm for an occasional treat.  I don't make it a habit, but since this is seasonal, I don't see a problem (unless you are on a medically controlled diet) to not indulge once in a while.  Since I could die tomorrow, I'm not going to turn down a moment of pleasure.  If I have to meet my maker tomorrow, I'm going with a pumpkin spice frosty mustache and a smile.  Yup I know it's not good for me.  I admire all those that stick to their "pure, clean" eating, and never ever touch anything with an additive or a preservative, but I'm good with being imperfect once in a great while Smiley Happy

Help me out here, @eadu4.  Based on your comments here, I'm confused as to why you "hearted" my first post with the nutritional breakdown. 🤔

  1. IMG_2684.jpeg
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Thanks for posting all of that...I thinkCat LOL


As much as I would LOVE to have one, I will refrain.  I am vigilent about sugar and this is just too much...even for just a treat. 


I might take a teaspoon Cat LOL


It's a shame they couldn't make it with less sugar Cat Sad

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For what it's worth, I did not take your post as a lecture or telling me what to do.


I likely never would have ordered the thing anyway, but seeing the sugar content makes me want it even less.


On another note, Chobani makes a zero sugar yogurt in pumpkin spice flavor that is very good.  It only has 60 calories and very low carbs.