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Every season there are designers who cut their dress too short and end up in a panic. Don't they watch previous seasons? How could they not have learned to cut it longer than they think it should be and if it's too long on the model, they can always shorten it.

I thought Sean was the clear winner. I hope Kini wins next time, he's consistently in the top three but comes in second.

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Loved Sean's design; clearly the winner and he deserved it. I'd also like to see Kini win next time as he's very consistent and a good designer.

I also had no idea they were sending home 2 tonight. Korina was very lucky to have been voted on to stay another week IMO.

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Seeing Heidi was pictured last Sunday wearing the dress, it looks like Lifetime scr*ewed up on the air date.

I feel sorry for Kini coming in second 2 weeks in a row. He should have won last week. I do not get what the judges like about Amanda's designs.

I thought Korina should have been sent packing before Kristine. (at least her side panels were interesting)

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
I loved that they sent two home....PR means business.
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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On 8/22/2014 lulu2 said:

Seeing Heidi was pictured last Sunday wearing the dress, it looks like Lifetime scr*ewed up on the air date.

I feel sorry for Kini coming in second 2 weeks in a row. He should have won last week. I do not get what the judges like about Amanda's designs.

I thought Korina should have been sent packing before Kristine. (at least her side panels were interesting)

I was disappointed as well that kini did not win again. His work is so impeccable.
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Registered: ‎06-26-2014

The top 2 designs were stunning. Most of the others ranged from bad to awful.

I could not believe those extremely short dresses were given a pass. The designers of them should be thanking their lucky stars that the bottom 3 were exceptionally awful.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/22/2014 MickD said: I loved that they sent two home....PR means business.

I did too. They both deserved it.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 11,367
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/22/2014 lulu2 said:

Seeing Heidi was pictured last Sunday wearing the dress, it looks like Lifetime scr*ewed up on the air date.

I feel sorry for Kini coming in second 2 weeks in a row. He should have won last week. I do not get what the judges like about Amanda's designs.

I thought Korina should have been sent packing before Kristine. (at least her side panels were interesting)

I agree.

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Posts: 2,043
Registered: ‎04-16-2013

Do you like Heidi's hair in that picture? She is so pretty, but that hairstyle does nothing for me!

(plastered to her head at the top)

Just like the commercial for PR last year where she had odd hair and that RED lipstick.

Oh, I sound old. Sorry.

I really like her, even though I sound negative.

Love the show too.

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Posts: 4,148
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/21/2014 scotttie said:

She looks like a blue Big Bird. LOL