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Was just reading about Prince William's  trip to NYC last week. He was there to speak at an awards dinner for a charity he supports.  Very low-key, even flew commercial and went for a run in Central Park. A couple of inconspicuous security people. No paparazzi at all. The article contrasted it to his brother's last trip to NYC with his wife who accepted an award at a hotel. There was drama. Kate stayed behind with the children. I am so impressed with the heir to the throne. 

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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

@Trailrun23 ,  it's nice to see him bringing attention to our wonderful first responders, like fire fighters.


Seems to be quietly doing an excellent job in whatever task presents itself.




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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

He looks different.  He looks like he has lost weight.

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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

@Trailrun23 - I live in NY and saw coverage of his trip here.  He also waded into the East River and spent time with school children working on an oyster project.  He will make an excellent king one day, but still seems down to earth with no airs about him.

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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

He was groomed from a very young to be King.   He does seem like an ordinary young man though, right? 

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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

He does seem very down -to-earth and mature enough to have embraced his newest responsibilities as next in line for the throne. I am sure King Charles is very proud of him. 

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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

Prince William hit the ground running on Monday, visiting the Billion Oyster Project on Governors Island, which is restoring oyster reefs to New York Harbor in collaboration with New York City communities. The project aims to make the waters around New York clean by putting a billion oyster shells in them by 2035 to act as natural filters.


William wades in! Prince meets UN Secretary-General to discuss fighting  climate change after getting waist-deep in the Hudson during solo visit to  New York to unveil his Earthshot Prize finalists | Daily


Prince William


the prince of wales visits billion oyster project in new york city


Prince William met with schoolchildren who are studying marine biology and talked with employees of the Billion Oyster Project.


On Governor¿s Island William was expected to meet schoolchildren who are studying marine biology and talk with employees of the Billion Oyster Project


William seemed to enjoy his visit at the Billion Oyster Project as he smiled brightly


The Prince was due to see the giant pile of oyster shells (pictured) that are donated by 75 restaurants in New York rather than being sent to landfill sites



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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

His smile is exactly like his Mother's.  His interaction with the children is nice.

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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

@MoJoV wrote:

His smile is exactly like his Mother's.  His interaction with the children is nice.

@MoJoV   I agree.  To me he has always resembled his mother.  

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: Prince William’s NYC trip

I think he will make an excellent future King!

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