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Kensington Palace Prince Louis

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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

How cute!  I hope he grows up into as sweet and kind a person as he looks.  

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Posts: 36,981
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

Pic was taken by  his mother.


I like to watch him just be a kid. George is already being trained to be a Royal. Not a step out of place.

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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

Cute, full of fun!   Love the eyebrows.   Hope he and the other kids are weathering their mother and grandfather's medical difficulties OK.  Especially their mother's --  it shakes a child's world when his/her mother experiences any infirmity.


Wishing them the best!

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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

He is such a handsome little fellow.  

I hope he has a great birthday.  I love to watch his crazy antics, he's the typical youngest child.  So cute.

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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

Of the whole royal family Louis is my absolute favorite. I've loved seeing his little kid antics on film. I think he's a hoot and he reminds me of my 18 year old grandson as a little boy. I think he's a little firecracker and I bet he keeps things lively.

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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

So cute, looks more like his mom.

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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

How old is Prince Louis?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

@ahoymate wrote:

How old is Prince Louis?

7 days younger than my GS, the big 6.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Prince Louis's birthday pic

I hope the other two are not jealous of all the attention Louis gets.  But they are probably shielded from all the media hype, at least I hope so.  Hopefully the kids will remain close for years to come and serve together for the good of the UK.  Catherine and William seem like they are wonderful parents.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead