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Re: Prince Harry & Meghan's wedding luncheon menu

no thanks,give me a burger and a beer...


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Re: Prince Harry & Meghan's wedding luncheon menu

Give me a nice glass of wine and let’s get this thing over. 

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Re: Prince Harry & Meghan's wedding luncheon menu

As only an American would say:  I'd be in hog heaven to be able to sample that food.  I've bought langoustines before, they're okay but then I didn't have them wrapped in smoked salmon with the citrus creme fraiche.  I would be so busy eating I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone.  Free standing near the tables, nodding her head, mouth in high gear.

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Re: Prince Harry & Meghan's wedding luncheon menu

@Jordan2 wrote:

I guess I’m just a mere peasant because nothing on the list appeals to me!


I’m with you.  My tastes run much simpler 😉

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Re: Prince Harry & Meghan's wedding luncheon menu

@Free2be wrote:

As only an American would say:  I'd be in hog heaven to be able to sample that food.  I've bought langoustines before, they're okay but then I didn't have them wrapped in smoked salmon with the citrus creme fraiche.  I would be so busy eating I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone.  Free standing near the tables, nodding her head, mouth in high gear.



I'm standing right beside you, Free.

The menu sounds delicious. I love trying new foods.


Somehow I knew they wouldn't go the tater tot and mystery chicken route.  😎

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Re: Prince Harry & Meghan's wedding luncheon menu

Maybe I'm a klutz, but I like to sit down at a table and eat my food. I don't like balancing my purse, plate, eating utensils, and drink!