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Re: Prince Harry Discloses Sought Counseling After Extended Trauma Over Mother's Death

Any 12 year old who lost his mother so suddenly would need therapy at some point but it was worse for Harrry because of the way she died, the horrible never ending publicity, all that "royal" garbage, his parents' messy divorce.  I think he couldn't grieve as deeply or long or in a way that was unique to him.  He was forced to get on with the business of living.  Eventually, as an adult, he had to get therapy.  If's brave of him to go public with him and to use the experience to help others.  Diana was his mother but the man we see today is his own man, he's walking his own path, not his mother's and his father is father had a lot to do with that.  Both of Charles' sons are very close to him and also to Camilla.  Charles is largely responsible for hands off approach the British press too with the boys after Diana's death.  There's a biography of Charles that I want to read.  He is not and never has been a "look at me" type of person, he's very private and done some impressive things for the environment and his country and the less fortunate in this world.  He does things quietly, without publicity or fanfare and at his own expense.  That has influenced Harry immensely. 

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Re: Prince Harry Discloses Sought Counseling After Extended Trauma Over Mother's Death

I think it's so great that he's talking about this. As it has already been stated here, mental health issues are still stigmatized in the US and elsewhere. And necessary help is not available the way it should be.


Harry, William, and Kate are all very active in a campaign called Heads Together, which raises awareness for these issues and is trying to end the stigma.

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Re: Prince Harry Discloses Sought Counseling After Extended Trauma Over Mother's Death

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

I'm not surprised and am glad he got help.   His father is pretty much useless, so he certainly couldn't help his son.

Harry and William have said countless times how much they love their father so I'm not sure how you can qualify him as 'useless'.

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Re: Prince Harry Discloses Sought Counseling After Extended Trauma Over Mother's Death

There's no other way to get through it, except the way he did it. You can't think of that every day and go on.

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Re: Prince Harry Discloses Sought Counseling After Extended Trauma Over Mother's Death

[ Edited ]

@SydneyH wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

I'm not surprised and am glad he got help.   His father is pretty much useless, so he certainly couldn't help his son.

Harry and William have said countless times how much they love their father so I'm not sure how you can qualify him as 'useless'.




It's entirely possible that the boys have stated publicly that they love their father, but that doesn't make Charles a competent or emotionally aware parent.   (What else could they say publicly, anyway?   Of course they have to praise him.)


Did you even read the article?   How is it even possible that a son could suffer for 20 years after his mother's death and the father never picks up on that, and encourages his son to get help?  Twenty years!  Personally,  I call that an incompetent father.   JMO