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@SouthernBee wrote:

@cowboy sam : Thank you.

So sorry that you are dealing with so much.

I don't want to upset you but concerned about the cost of your service call.In my area the normal charge for servicing the central air includes the cost for a new air filter and not separate.

Enjoy your weekend and stay cool.🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏



u didn't upset me...🤗


but my c/a has a  built in allergy unit..that needs a big box filter 

20x25x5  for my trion Air Bear unit...i was told my unit is a bear that lasts  longer.!  To buy same filter in big box stores cost about the same as i was chargedSmiley Happy


lubs ya !Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : Good to know. Just concerned. I know the prices of everything is increasing.

Placed a big order with Sams cub today. They had a 3 bottle pack of our mouth wash with a coupon, because the individual bottle price at Walmart had increased to $8.I like to put one bottle in the bathrooms and one in the pantry. Trying to stock up on a few of our necessities. 


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dear predsHeart  and dear friendsHeart


@SouthernBee @PamfromCT @masque @geezerette @Yahooey @loveschocolate @MyShadowLove @NEvans2   and others


My son picked me up around 8:30 am to go celebrate my day.

\My request was to go to a big box store that has most everything in it.  and in a flyer ..they advertised last week or so Columbia shoes/boots on sale  and i wanted new ones  in size 6!


With sons help he found my fav boot " Newton Ridge{ plus waterproof) in light brown leather color.. was $89.99 on sale for... $59.88


"Columia Strata Trail-low wp"   shoe type   also water proofed   that was $79.99 on sale for.. $49.88

I put these every day shoes on my feet  as soon as we got back into his pickup truck...very comfortable!    grey w/black trim


Next we went to a groc  store that carrys the regular 24 packs of  regular  spring drinking16 oz bottles  of water..(.purified water up sets my stomach.).. 

i  bought 4 cases ...... plus 6  of the gallon  size spring water ! 


also found Propel  brand of  gatorade electolytes " berry flavored"

with 10 packets inside  only had 3 boxes of this flavor so i took all 3.....   when walking and in hot weather i open one packet   and add into

to a 16 oz bottle of water!  ,,They are hard to find some times  so i bought all they had on shelf!



next stop  a Goodwill store and son bought me 2 tie dye shirt shirts i liked  and a pack of 4 tooth brushes...Smiley LOL


@Yahooey   me telling a asking friend

Next we went to a Culvers fast food place..he ordered us each a double cheeseburger and small order of ff...i had   a small or med choc milkshake  and him a vanilla one.


Then we left to come back to my house  as it was close t0
"90 degrees"...i was home around noon  after he brought my 4 cases of spring bottled water  and 6 gallons of spring water    into my house and left !


I took a nap later!Smiley LOL

lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : " to celebrate my day"= Happy Birthday?! Happy Birthday 83?!😀🎉🎈🎁🎂🤗❤

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@SouthernBee  its now #84!  as of the 31,,,


i just was in a mood worrying about pancake sis,daughter  and son    plus


c/a that was ok only needed new filter  and didn't say anthing here.


I finally took "today"  a perscription medication to help me with my anxiety....and it really helped me!

I neeed to take the pill when i need it and not wait so long...lesson learned!


So, today i will let you celebrate with me b-daySmiley Happy

Wed..i did eat some cookis&cream ice cream..Smiley LOL


thank you!🤗


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 9,206
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : Happy Belated Birthday!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎁🎁🎁🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏.I thought your birthday was a few days after mine but now having memory issues.

Yes, we need to take our medicine on a schedule instead of waiting when needed.

You have been dealing with a lot. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

My friends, the widow and sewing friend didn't come yesterday as they stated  . They said they wanted to see me and celebrate belated birthday. One more slice of birthday cake. 

Monday will try to eat healthier and drink more water. Plus make myself get up more and exercise. Hopefully will make it to the durable medical store to look at wheel chairs.

I hope you will continue to celebrate your birthday this weekend and enjoy your favourite foods and treats.🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉❤❤🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏

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@SouthernBee nothing is wrong with your memory.🤗 it was day after yours   and "you" did ask me and i'm very sorry


i just didn't want to admit it when you asked..  as .i didn't want to celebrate mine as i had too much going on  and i wasn't feeling my best.


Thank you for your Birthday wishesHeart


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 15,315
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

Happy Belated Birthday 🥳 @cowboy sam @SouthernBee!


I am need of suggestions from some of you ladies. My FIL is in need of a cane. His problem is poor eye sight, balance issues. He recently fell AGAIN, another trip to the ER and stitches. 

Can anyone help me out with some ideas? Thank you ☺️!


BTW, this probably won't go over very well with him and I don't know if he will even use it, but this has to STOP 🛑. At least he will have it.....

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@cowboy sam : Thank you.  I totally understand.🤗🤗❤❤🙏🙏🙏

@cowboy sam wrote:

@SouthernBee nothing is wrong with your memory.🤗 it was day after yours   and "you" did ask me and i'm very sorry


i just didn't want to admit it when you asked..  as .i didn't want to celebrate mine as i had too much going on  and i wasn't feeling my best.


Thank you for your Birthday wishesHeart


lubs ya!Heart


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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@loveschocolate : Mercy - a lot to deal with especially trying to convince someone to try something they desperately need. With balance issues he will need what is called a quad cane. My friend was 83 in april. She thought she might need a cane but didn't know what to purchase. She loves this. Amazon has a good selection and options if someone is tall. Hope this helps.
