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@cowboy sam, Glad you found exactly what you were looking for.  Amazing what we can buy without leaving home!  Your dinners always sound so good.  Do you have a special tie to fire fighters or want to keep them in your prayers?

I had one in my distant family.

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Thanks for askingHeart

My dh was a fireman,    over the28  years learning his way up    to also  be  a engineer,then a asst. fire chief before he passed away.


He  also  helped start up with a few members our ambulance service plus  be a   EMT  and worked on their Ambulances  vehicles also.


This medal i have been searching for the last few years  had the same features  on it   as the " tie tack"i had given him.Heart...


 a few years ago it fell   off  my wallet in a resturant in another town.Smiley SadIt was never found.!


This replacement  as a  pendant   and not a tie tack  will arrive some time by mail next week.


lubs yaHeart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@PamfromCT : Just interesting because one lives in a well to do neighborhood with a doctor and others.  But she has  a beautiful home and well decorated. The other lives in another neighbourhood about 10 minutes from me  and she has no decorating style but very talented with sewing, knitting . 

Previously when we went shopping or looking around in antique malls, I always agreed with the first friend when she was interested in several things and never agreeded with the second friend but I really miss going out with them.

The first friend ,the widow: fell and broke her right wrist and she is right handed and having a very difficult time trying to do things.

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Hi Y'all: Grocery order from Publix included very cherry plums. Bag was a little expensive. Something different but yummy.

Trying to surprise DH with different fruits.


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@cowboy sam @Your husband left a wonderful legacy to your community.  You and your children should be very proud.  I am glad you will have a pendant to keep him close to your heart.


Where would we all be without those people who risk it all to help us in an emergency?  I am grateful for all!  Wear your pendant with pride and remembrance of a good man.

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@PamfromCT wrote:

@cowboy sam @Your husband left a wonderful legacy to your community.  You and your children should be very proud.  I am glad you will have a pendant to keep him close to your heart.


Where would we all be without those people who risk it all to help us in an emergency?  I am grateful for all!  Wear your pendant with pride and remembrance of a good man.

@PamfromCT 🤗

lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎01-05-2015


Hi Everyone!...Just catching up with some of your most recent posts...We've been busy here and there...All is good and getting back to some normalcy!



@Yahooey ...Your kitchen reno is "lookin' good"...Looking forward to the finished renovation....Gorgeous picture of your "Harvest"! Heart


@cowboy sam ...My husband was also a Firefighter for 25 years...retired at 57 while he was still in good shape, as it can take a toll on their body after a while...He had gone to Technical School when he first graduated from high school and worked for a Heating & AC Company so, due to his changing schedule on Fire Dept., he also worked part-time there on a couple of his off days and then worked for them full-time once he retired from Fire Dept...He still works part-time for them...Loved reading about your dear husband and your memories. Heart


@SouthernBee ...Hope things are progressing for you and you are getting the help that you have needed...You are like our little "Energizer Bee"!  Heart


Waving to Everyone!...Wow, what a heat wave it has been so far this Summer!



Yes Sir GIF





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Posts: 16,483
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



wow! your dh a FF alsoHeart


Thanking you both for his dedication to  his FD days🤗🤗


As for the weather ...i'm ready for fall and cooler weather!Smiley Very Happy


Have missed you...Heart  


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,483
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


@MyShadowLove @PamfromCT @SouthernBee @geezerette @Yahooey @NEvans2 @dooBdoo 

Are ya keeping cool today????

"My mind"' wants me to go for a walk by myself  as neighbor friend is on vacation this week out of state....


my body tells me...NO WAY!!!


New neighbors are back from vacation yesterday...he told me they went to KY.  and will be going back  to same place for another 2 week vacation  again by end of month.


I did walk over to sons house yesterday  and talked to him for a hour or so than walked back home.




my blah meal out of my freezer  today was,,,,,,, a "Stouffer's Roast turkey" meal...with mashed taters... but i ate a choolate fudge pop tart instead of veggies.Smiley LOL


lubs ya  all!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,380
Registered: ‎01-05-2015



@cowboy sam ...Yes, our Heroes!  Heart


I don't think that you should go walking in this heat...It is brutal here and I imagine the same where you are...The air is not healthy for any type of exercise, in my opinion...I think about all of the workers whose jobs require being outside and my heart goes out to them...I'm sure they are well prepared; however, I still think about them.


We have done some outside work though during early morning and later in the evening and have gone for some walks during evening hours when, at least, the sun is down and somewhat more comfortable and a slight breeze kicks in at times...I also have some exercise equipment to use indoors.


How nice that you have a son who lives near you...I knew that you had a daughter nearby but was only aware of your son that lives in another State...Your family keeps growing on me...LOL


I got a kick out of your replacing your Veggies with a Fudge Pop Tart but, hey, you can have your Veggies later on...just don't follow with another Fudge Pop Tart.!  😂


I made a Chili in my slow cooker this morning and it is still simmering so we will have that with some corn-on-the-cob...We grilled some chicken yesterday...All the yummie fresh Farmers Markets' fruits and vegetables are pretty much available now...I love Summer eating the best!


Please stay cool and take good care!


Lubs Ya! Heart



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~