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@Yahooey : Thank you. Love your post and about everything and Zoe.

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@cowboy sam : Yea! Good day without drama.

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@cowboy sam : Totally understand.

I decided to house insurance in installements. Property taxes not due until October.

@cowboy sam wrote:



i   saw one Upright small freezer on Wallmart website i kinda like as you mentioned just for me for  me  to stock up on the single freezer meals and a couple loves of bread,etc.  It was like $207.00 i think w/out shipping tho.

I has two shelves and small basket on the bottom


But...I."think" i'll wait until closer to fall to order  as...i just paid both payments on real estate taxes and  next month my house insurance is due for a quarterly payment!



lubs ya!Heart



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@gloriajean : Ok. Yes, Drythe.

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@Yahooey  @SouthernBee @gloriajean @cowboysam@Mj12 @geezerette

 @loveschocolate @dooBdoo 


Waving To Everyone! Heart


So happy that the weather has improved in many areas and air quality is much better...We had a lovely soft rain last night...It just didn't last long enough...I do hope and pray that Canada gets much needed rain and their fires under control...Firefighters from around our Country, as well as other Countries, have joined in to help...My prayers are with them!



@Yahooey ...I'm surprised that the heavy dark smoke that covered the City over the past few days, along with such hazardous air quality, didn't get rid of those darn Aphids that are ruining your vegetable garden...I was worried about the birds and all of nature too...Those in our neighborhood that had dogs only took them out long enough to do their walks...and those that had cats that were indoor/outdoor didn't let their cats out and they were starting to get a bit stir crazy...It is such a relief that things are getting better now...It was quite scary and worrisome, as though any of us need any more to worry about!


@gloriajean ...Oh my gosh, you bring back such memories of the "good ole' days" here on these forums when they were more active and many subjects were able to be discussed...So good to see you!...I also wanted to add that Drythe used to post with us every now and then...From what I remember, she was having problems logging into the forums...We miss her very much and think of her often!...These forums have changed so much and have become very quiet compared to what they used to be.


@cowboy sam ...I'm happy to read that things went quite well with your outing with your sister and your "pancake" sister...because one never knows with those "pancakes" in our lives as they can be so unpredictable...It sounds like you all were able to keep her under control...LOL


@SouthernBee ...You are such a very giving and thoughtful person with everyone and I hope that  your daughter is very appreciative of all that you do to help her and her children out...I can't imagine how difficult it must be to juggle raising children, a job and  going to college...She must be feeling such relief to be finished with college soon.


@Mj12 ...So happy to read that you and your husband have headed to the Mountains for the weekend....It will be such a great getaway for you from all that you have been going through...Were you able to take your precious Lucy with you?


Okay, lets see everyone...Oh yes..."Fudz Report", I cooked up a Chili in the slow cooker and we will be having it with a green salad and tostitos...Tomorrow, I am making a large bowl of  salad with spinach, tomatoes, red onion, capers, garlic, mozzarella cheese pearls and cubed hard-crusted bread... tossed with a dressing of white wine vinegar, olive oil and Dijon mustard...My husband will be grilling chicken and shrimp...A couple that we are very close with (our husbands worked together)...will be coming over to join us and will be bringing dessert.


I did some online shopping last night with Pottery Barn and ordered an adorable vanity stool for one of our bathrooms and also a few throw pillows which they have a nice selection of...I've always had good luck with their items and I got a discount also.


That's about it for now...almost time to "Manjia"!  😊





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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everything sounds delish

ai will be by - i'm sure many here will be crashing ur place also


u thought a lil smoke will end the aphids?



u know roaches and aphids will rule the world if an apocalypse occurs 


from what i read - aphids appear first and the insects that eat them havent hatched yet

lady bugs eat them but i dont get them or dont see them

i get spiders - flies - mosquitos and stuff w/wings i cant identify


i will continue spraying every few days - no biggie

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dear predsHeart and friendsHeart

@Yahooey @MyShadowLove @SouthernBee @geezerette @loveschocolate @SoX @Bri36@Mj12 @NEvans2 @GenXmuse @QualityGal @JaneMarple @PamfromCT @dooBdoo 






Light rain now but   heavy rain soon

61 degrees yay!


I put my only plant out side to be watered good and will get back in befor heavy rain starts.



There was garage sales in town yesterday but i stayed home   and out of the 80+ heat.


But did walk w/neighbor friend last night  close to a mile round trip back as it was getting dark...and was coolerSmiley Happy


I noticed rain water was flowing over part of a gutter   away from front will need some one later to unclog it! 


Need to get dressed and feed myself some toast with peanut butter and sprinkled cinnomon on it.


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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dear predHeart and friendsHeart


I spent time with 2 sisters and friend today.

I'm really wore out right now plus will be going again tomorrow Tuesday with them/


uh..i was brought up by friend that we want to go to different resturant...and not same one pancake wants us to go to!

She said we could pick another one tomorrow!Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 17,112
Registered: ‎06-15-2015


When will your pottery barn items be delivered to you ?


and hope we will be able to see pics of your cute pillows,and vanity stool,etc and soonSmiley Very Happy


look at time thought it was time to get up...but maybe i hope i can go back and sleep a couple more hours sleepSmiley Frustrated


luvs yaHeart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."