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It has warmed up to 11 degrees  a heat!

Smiley LOL

I felt bad for driver for Amazon  yesterday  was cold out and i saw she had on heavy snow pants,bulky jacket,hat,etc ....i thanked her for my delivery  and told her to try stay warm....she repiled she was trying to  and thanked me! 


We don't have ice anywhere in my yard or street....that i know of!


"Be safe  and not sorry"!


lubs ya!Heart



preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 17,093
Registered: ‎06-15-2015



I think our schools were closed yesterday because of freezin weather!

It now went up to 13 degrees  and to have light snow up to maybe a inch...later? sun popped out for a second then gone!


no big deal for us on a inch  of snow..can sweep it off porch,steps,etc.


Will only venture out if i see mail lady drive by and stop at my mail box.


Stay warm ...Heart

hope your dh doesn't have any problems setting up new printer.

Mine tells me there is a update to be downloaded  and  well,i'm not touching any buttons on it yetSmiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 9,953
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : Currently 33. Just reported we received 3 inches of snow. Begging people not to drive. Increased traffic accidents and everything icy mess.

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got back from gum surgery this afternoon

ate something and now watching TV and resting


wasnt as bad as the implant but still not fun


after further probing - bone is good so no need for a graft

price has decreased from just under 3k to 685.00 - so yay when u think 685 is a bargain


so even if there is no pain but ur dentist or periodontist wants you to do something

do it


i asked where the bone comes from -  cadaver

i did not know that - thought it would be some sort of resin

i know if it needed to be done.... so be it but still happy there is no dead guy in my mouth

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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@Yahooey : I know you are relieved to have this done , bone good and less expensive.

Relax and enjoy your evening.🤗❤

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Now that it is over and done with  and not as expensives...

I think zoe  needs to give you some lovingCat Very Happy


me also sending you a🤗



lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎03-16-2010






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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


I had a phone call from my dear friends the married couple  and we went out for our evening meal , i mentioned after she and I had the salad bar  and he had a ribeye steak....


(my treat for our meals  and drinks..he had glass of water,she had a lemonade  and i had a dr.pepper.)


that they had carrot she  and i ordered each a slice....hmmmm good!

at other resturant futher away in another only is abou$4.00 and change for each slice!

After i paid for our food..  i saw . ..  these cost  me $8.00  for each  slice of  carrot cake!Smiley Surprised


uh.....a few days ago he  told me  was on his way to pick up carryouts  at another resturant in same town...a deer ran out onto road from a hillside  and well he hit their car is in garage to be repaired  and they have a small loaner car...and it was really small compared to theirs.


He wasn't hurt ,car was hurt  and deer died.


lubs ya!Heart


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 7,243
Registered: ‎05-22-2014

@cowboy sam 

Yes, inflation is here, likely to stay.  I know the carrot cake was good!  But $8???  
Sorry to hear about your friend's accident,  But glad not hurt.

But poor deer!  It happens here once in a while. Years back close to our house.  Someone hit a deer, and the police came.

Was very sad.


Lubs ya!




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Posts: 17,093
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


@PamfromCT @geezerette @SouthernBee @Yahooey 


Been a tad busy today....walked down to basement and washed a load of dryer but not brought back up to be put away yet tho,


Gathered some boxes togther to get out of my house  so used my wagon  and made 2 trips down to burn pile behind my house at bottom of hill.


Called my #3 son...asked if he was going groc. shopping today ? and if so would he bring back some spring drinking water  and 2 loves of wheat bread to me?


Yes,he would be going but didn't know when today....and would bring me water  and bread  to me!Heart


Next..neighbor lady called and we went walking  it was 41 degrees out but a cool breeze started before we got back.


Walking in the cool air slowed my walking down a tad  and needed to stop 2x times  to breather deeper!


Home now  and will be watching Mens ice skating competion  at 5pm my time later this afternoon.


I need to get something to munch on and rest a little   later get my clothes out of dryer to fold and put away.


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."