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With your SIL, it sounds like you end up paying for your own gifts! 

Some people just never understand.  I always like to give someone something I think they will like, use, or need--not what I would like.  I'm sure you'd much prefer to have your SIL run some errands for you or something else that's difficult for you than give you gifts she can't really afford and you end up paying for in the end.  But a lot of people feel like they aren't giving a gift unless it's something they bought.

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@cowboy sam 


I  hope you get your computer problems straightened out.  I hate stuff like that!

Lubs ya!❤️

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@geezerette :  DH  would  react to another  one. Well trying to decide where to keep this after holidays. It didn't fit the storage container that I purchased.Took photo, took more measurements. Ordered another container.

@geezerette wrote:

@SouthernBee wrote:

@cowboy sam @Yahooey @geezerette @PamfromCT : I should have purchased the 18 inch Christmas tree for it to sit below the tv screen.



That just gives you something to buy next year! 😉


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@geezerette : Totally agree. I have tried to tell her: Please just continue to help me during the year. She needs a lot of praise and attention and with everything else  she wears me out real quick.

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@cowboy sam 


I almost forgot.


Do you know that tomorrow morning (Wednesday 12/4) at 10am central time your man Sam is on AMC?  In the movie Prancer.  I don't know if you've seen it, it's an older (1989) Christmas movie.  Channel 131.

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I think you have the patience of a saint with your SIL.  
Evidently, she is not happy unless she is getting her own way.

Good for you for sticking up for yourself.  If she feels stuck with the goodies she bought for you, maybe she could bring them into a nursing home, and ask a supervisor to break up the set and give a pieces to a few people who are forgotten during the holidays.

And suggest to her that she might consider you "coupons"

for different things she intends to do for you in the coming year.  I don't know, but maybe something tangible to give might help her.  Who knows?


Funny, how we all have people who are always a blessing in our lives, but then others who can invent ways to cause problems.







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@cowboy sam 

Come a certain stage, the best thing is money.

We started doing that a few years back with our two grandchildren.  We do have a small gift for them to open, but the $ is very popular!  

I am hoping all is well with your children!  The best blessing anyone could wish for.


Lubs ya!





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I am picturing a movie that would be very popular:


              "YAHOOEY TAKES PARIS"


And then we could help her sell the Yahooey brand of berets, 

in every color.  Then aprons, towels, dishes, etc.etc.  If so many people get rich selling all their stuff, why not Yahooey?

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@PamfromCT @geezerette @SouthernBee @cowboy sam 


i'm still home - doing a load of laundry (small) since i did laundry this weekend already

ate everything in the fridge that needs eating... good thing that does not pertain to the frezezer also - bc i got lots of ice cream 


leaving for the airport 1230 - for my 430 flight

niece is bringing a small empty suitczse in case i buy anything 

i have  an old (well loved) suitcase - it served me well when when i have traveled for 2 weeks in europe - it cannot go in overhead bin when extended - i pack light - real light


anyway.... she thinks i will buy stuff and it will not fold or bend into my suitcase

remember - i bought a bundt pan in seattle and brought that back lol


i got 5 short sleeve t shirt like - solid tops - and 2 sleeveless nicer tops

3 bottoms - will be wearing 1 of those bottoms

a thin sweater in case tshirt is not warm enough and a long sweater coat

a pair of sneakers - will be wearing my new birkenstock clogs -

that's it folks - 


i do want to buy some stuff for my kitchen

maybe a rectangcular tart pan (removable bottom) - i dont have that

and a few dinner plates - cookie cutters?

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i'm glad u are standing ur ground and not accepting the gift

she has heard it many times and now - dont even think of bringing it to my house


if you cannot afford a gift and cry for money in jan for stuff

that is not a gift as @geezerette stated


yes - ask for help - 

help is needed - whether for grocery shopping or cooking

which is more appreciated..... 

she should see that is much more valuable to you at this time


i felt that if you dont have a wrapped present to open - then it isn't a holiday

but i was 15 at the time -