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i will need to be updated on ur the new addition of mater

correction - we all need to be updated...

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@Yahooey ...My personal shopper to the rescue!...Yes, when I got home earlier this evening, I did some checking myself and saw the Vintage Hocking Glass Piggy Bank on Ebay...They have a huge selection of glass piggy banks...I have never ordered from Ebay...have you?


Also, did I mention how impressed I am with how organized you are with your planting schedule...I imagine, when you are an avid gardener, you would definitely need to keep notes on all of your plantings


As far as my "mater" plant, I'm taking the easy way I will definitely keep you all updated on whether it survives under my care...Since I will be putting it in a container, I will have to make sure about good drainage...I'm thinking of using a wood whiskey barrel planter...I will be sure to ask for some guidance from one of the cute guys at the garden center. 😀 



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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i have never bought from ebay - etsy - just main sites

@cowboy sam our fashionista have bought from ebay

she would know best


i keep a log - bc i always think i will remember and i dont

so i label and know what plant is what - and what i'm giving away


my niece is partial to sungold cherry - she has a large pot and plants 2 cherry tomato plants

the 2nd cherry tomato  - is brad's atomic grape tomato - she has no idea what to expect - my first time growing this also

isnt it purdy?

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 8.51.56 PM.png




i am also giving her a reg size tomato this year - we shall see how that fares since large tomatoes need bigger space 


i buy seeds bc you can find such diff varieties and that is so fun



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@MyShadowLove : 2002 move in current house with a nice patio. Brother lived two blocks away, came over and said I needed a small garden. He went to Home Depot and came back with 6 of their 5 gallon buckets, tomato plants and hot peppers. He drilled holes in the bottom of each bucket. He added several layers of soil, fertilizer and top can't remember. Had excellent results with the peppers. But the neighborhood was over populated with squrriels. Darn critters would get the green tomatoes. We had tomato cages and tried different types of netting and other materials , moth balls, sprinkle with pepper and whatever but didn't stop the critters.  They would run across the yard with a tomato in their mouth, stop turn around and look at me.🙄😯 They would take one bite out of the tomato and then drop it . Frustrating. The next year just used pepper plants.

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@Yahooey wrote:



my niece is partial to sungold cherry - she has a large pot and plants 2 cherry tomato plants

the 2nd cherry tomato  - is brad's atomic grape tomato - she has no idea what to expect - my first time growing this also

isnt it purdy?


Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 8.51.56 PM.png


i am also giving her a reg size tomato this year - we shall see how that fares since large tomatoes need bigger space 


i buy seeds bc you can find such diff varieties and that is so fun




@Yahooey ...Wow, those are absolutely gorgeous!...They look like Jewels...much too pretty to eat! would want to just keep them displayed in a pretty bowl...I had no idea that there were so many different variations of Tomatoes!




~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Registered: ‎01-05-2015



@SouthernBee ...I definitely hear you!...We have many critters roaming around and, especially, the squirrels and rabbits love to nibble on their specialties...We have to be selective in what flowers we plant also.


I'm going to be placing the tomato plants outside our sliding glass doors in dining area on small deck area so the planter won't be on the ground....Hopefully, this will help to keep the squirrels, etc. away...I place flowers there also and have never had a problem with them being bothered, so I'm hoping that same will work out for the tomato plants...I have yet to see the critters coming up the stairs to our deck area.


We shall see...will keep fingers crossed...Do you still plant peppers?



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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@MyShadowLove : Totally understand and hopefully the stairs and deck area will make a difference. 

I am not physically able to do any peppers and so many other things. I haven't been in my back yard in over about 5 years. Also not able to sit on the front porch because too difficult to get me and the walker out of the front door without someone helping me , I have a cement ramp at the front door.

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@SouthernBee wrote:

@MyShadowLove : Totally understand and hopefully the stairs and deck area will make a difference. 

I am not physically able to do any peppers and so many other things. I haven't been in my back yard in over about 5 years. Also not able to sit on the front porch because too difficult to get me and the walker out of the front door without someone helping me , I have a cement ramp at the front door.




@SouthernBee ...Of course, I understand...I thought that, perhaps, your husband was able to plant them for you. 

Front porches are lovely...Isn't your husband able to help you out to your front porch...It would be so beneficial for you emotionally to be able to enjoy and relax sitting outside...sipping on your favorite beverage.  Heart 



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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@MyShadowLove : Thank you. DH is doing so much for me now and hate to ask for any thing else. Every time that I move or whatever , constantly knocking something over , or dropping and spilling stuff.

We have a walk in shower but the step over is less than 3 inches and still need DH help getting in and out of the shower because of my back and hip problems. My lay flat recliner that I sleep in is 10 years old , and now need DH help getting out of the recliner. I feel so old and needing more help is frustrating.

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@Yahooey @cowboysam  @geezerette @SouthernBee @Tique @NEvans2 @loveschocolate @dooBdoo @qualitygal  & All Preds Friends...



I wanted to share this adorable "Hello Kitty" Bedroom from Pottery Barn for Children/Teens...Their website is set up so "purr-fectly" with so many other accessories that kitty lovers, like so many of us,  would absolutely fall in love with.

(Pottery Barn Hello Kitty)


Remember...age is only a number...sooooo...


I want a "Hello Kitty" Bedroom!  lol   🥰



            Bedding...precious kitty lamp


  • Hello Kitty® Heritage Floral Duvet Cover



Hamper (I picture our kitties curling up in this and so we would definitely need to add a furry throw)


  • Hello Kitty® Hamper
Hello Kitty® Floral Rug


~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~