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@cowboy sam : I will be praying for you and the family. You are dealing with a lot but need to take care of yourself.

You are mentally and physically upset and your stomach is responding to everything. Do you have some foods that are filling but bland that you can prepare in the microwave for a couple of days, like oatmeal, regular potatoes or sweet potatoes if you like something like that?

I am ready to escape some where but in reality not physically able to.🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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@cowboy sam 


Aww, I'm sorry you're dealing with so much stress and not feeling well.  I think when we're stressed we tend to gravitate towards comfort foods but those are often the ones that aren't the best for our systems.  And I think as we age we become more sensitive to a lot of foods--speaking for myself, here.☺️


You can only stand so much pressure, so maybe be there for your daughter and let pancake sis deal with her own problems for a while.😉


And yes, I can relate to what you're going through as I've got something similar going on right now myself.  And I'm about to give up on the whole thing because I can't go on much longer worrying without making myself sick.  So yes, I'll join you with @Yahooey for a nice relaxing vacation!  😎


Take care.  Lubs ya!❤️



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@SouthernBee wrote:

@cowboy sam : I will be praying for you and the family. You are dealing with a lot but need to take care of yourself.

You are mentally and physically upset and your stomach is responding to everything. Do you have some foods that are filling but bland that you can prepare in the microwave for a couple of days, like oatmeal, regular potatoes or sweet potatoes if you like something like that?

I am ready to escape some where but in reality not physically able to.🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏



Boy, I feel the same way! 

And I wouldn't know where to go even if I could!


You take care yourself.  Don't overdo.❤️



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Yes, i have food in my fridge  and freezer that i can eat  and prefer than eating out   that is why i didn't want to go with her yesterdayHeart

I ate some chicken salad from has dried cranberrys,and clery in it...Heart

  I have ordered loaded baked taters w/out  green onions   or ordered sweet potatoe baked in rest.


Other day i ordered a chicken wrap...with lettuce,tomatoes,lettuce  with a creamy dressing..i you get 2 when ordering...i took 2d one home  and ate next day...but the dressing was good  but didn't agree with me!!!!

later....i couldn't burp or pass gass..and even taking gass pills...i was verry uncomfortable all night  and next day!


Agree.  as we both know.,, stress  causes us to have many problems   that we don't want or need!Smiley Frustrated


Hope you can get relieve soon from your back problems🤗


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@geezerette 🤗 too??

Agree...we need to step back when possible from  some siturations  and want them to stop following us!Smiley LOL


Wonder how soon @Yahooey  can plan a vacation for us??Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@cowboy sam @geezerette @SouthernBee ...



Jumping in for a huge group (((((Hug)))))...



Hugs Family GIF - Hugs Family The Simpsons GIFs




Oh YooHoo @Yahooey ...We need a soothing and relaxing group vacation...overlooking the Ocean....We all could chip in and rent a cottage together...walk the beach... breathe in the refreshing  ocean air and enjoy the sound of the waves washing ashore...Ahhhhh! 


Boardwalk view of Ocean and dunes in Hilton Head, South Carolina,
~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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ummm.... excuse moi 

@MyShadowLove @cowboy sam @geezerette @SouthernBee 


how did i get elected to plan a vacation?

me in a teeny tiny place - if i want a vacation at this time


i stand in my newly tiled bathroom and spin around

dat is where the $$ went


and if i want to dip my toe in water 

i will run that bathtub once is finished 




shadow is building homes for her birdies and Mr Hobo

she can find space for all of us

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@geezerette@cowboy sam :  Take care of yourself. Dealing with life stuff not fun. Sometimes it's just best to remove ourselves from whatever and just pray.🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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@geezerette : Thank you. Doing stuff but taking a lot of breaks.

Yesterday was really hot and yesterday morning turned the ceiling fans on. Put on a summer lounger dress but by afternoon had to turn the central air on. Will be going off the steroids on Tuesday but this stuff has increased my body temperature and have been dripping with sweat and having to constantly wipe my face and neck. The outside temperature was 85 and inside the house 80. Central air stayed on until 11 p.m. Today's high suppose to be 87🙄😯.

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@cowboy sam : Totally agree and understand. Since this ulcerative colitis have been ordering the big box of GasX  and the strongest dose.

The other day, GasX  not acting fast enough because the gas was trapped behind my mastectomy scar and very painful and uncomfortable, I consumed a coke cola very fast and immediately started burping.    

Years  ago with my first gastro doctor suggested drinking a coke cola very fast for immediate relief. He said cold coke cola or room temperature both works.I keep a supply of coke cola. 

DH was concerned but notice the quick relief from the coke. He started laughing and stated that he has never heard a woman belch or fart so loud. I keep a can of room spray next to my recliner.Sorry probably too much information. 🤗🤗❤❤🙏🙏🙏

For me: whatever helps