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Registered: ‎09-16-2010
  1. Hi Y'All: Busy gift wrapping. Finished one of my cookbook projects. One of the sticker packet for kitchen items was loss in mail and received refund because it was sold out. Bummer because this was the one that I preferred and this really changed how the finished product looked. Pictures are not that great:20221210_072710_kindlephoto-10820495.jpg20221210_072612_kindlephoto-10516292.jpg20221210_072754_kindlephoto-10764069.jpg20221210_072816_kindlephoto-10699549.jpg20221210_073013_kindlephoto-10559732.jpg20221210_072834_kindlephoto-10611001.jpg
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@geezerette wrote:

5A496458-F36D-43D9-86C6-CD1F48A7A603.jpeg@geezerette : Don't count and just eat 'em and then : oh how did this happen= package empty.🙄😥😥😥

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010


the recipients of ur gift will lubs it

and boo hiss on the lost stickers


i may make meatballs today - really gotta since the meat has been bought

i do a bunch and put it in the freezer

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Posts: 12,872
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

i'm in a CRISIS

i ran out of cookies

the few snickerdoodles in freezer - gone last week


i always have. biscotti in my cookie jar cuz it is a cookie jar lol

i finished it yestereday....


need to make more biscotti and make meatballs today


what is everyone up to?



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Posts: 9,968
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@Yahooey wrote:


the recipients of ur gift will lubs it

and boo hiss on the lost stickers


i may make meatballs today - really gotta since the meat has been bought

i do a bunch and put it in the freezer

@Yahooey : Thank you. Just wanted a different look for the cookbook.

Love meatballs but haven't made any in a long time.

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Posts: 9,968
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@Yahooey wrote:

i'm in a CRISIS

i ran out of cookies

the few snickerdoodles in freezer - gone last week


i always have. biscotti in my cookie jar cuz it is a cookie jar lol

i finished it yestereday....


need to make more biscotti and make meatballs today


what is everyone up to?




 @Yahooey : Major crisis when the cookie jar is empty. I love biscotti but never tried to make it.

I need to cook and will be doing air fried bbq wings serving with cole slaw, celery and dipping sauces of honey mustard  and ranch. 

I have another project that I need to finish and gift wrap.

Praying that the weather will be better next week so I can start baking. A friend has requested brownies as a Christmas gift and wondering if I can bake and freeze them because I have never tried it.

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i only started freezing baked goods last year

in the past - i made all the dough in advance and left in fridge


then a day of baking only


as u know - when u bake a lot - it an all day affair

i tend to bake ony 1 tray at a time - never did 2 trays with the top and bottom switch and turn  - so i'm b  basically a hostage with the timer set every 12 minutes etc - a day of a lot of standing in both instances


since my plantar (*^%% we shall see - i'm exercising with the rollar ball and stretches but i still walk and stand - gotta keep on moving even if it hurts -

u would understand dis... u hurt and u still cook - bake and do fab things for ur family and friends


i lubs wings - but never made it - i would love a meal that u cooked

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@SouthernBee wrote:

@dooBdoo : Thank you. I was fed up with that company. Didn't like the cancellation fee but just wanted to get rid of them and move forward to better things.

I was also frustrated  with my IPad issues and with the help of several people on the electronics  forum decided to try the Amazon firetablet, it's different but I could no longer feel comfortable with  the price of the IPad with the current inflation cost for everything. I truly appreciated all your help.

Your are in my thoughts and prayers and wishing you and your family a Merry  Christmas and Happy New Year.❤🤗🤗



@SouthernBee, I kinda had that feeling about your wanting to put that company behind you and spend your time on better things -- I can understand that, for sure.


I'm sorry the iPad issues continued to linger.   

I've used Apple devices pretty much since they came on the market.  (I was using and teaching use of Apple computers 'way back in the mid-1980s -- 'way back when I was a child... wink wink!...  and all of my tablets and smart phones have been iPads and iPhones).   

They tend to be real workhorses, and they last and last, and over time have been cost-effective (and I usually update when the "state tax holiday" rolls around so I can save some money that way)...  but now and then they release a version that isn't up to par. 

Or in other cases certain individual devices have glitches that never make sense but also never seem to be resolved and that sounds like what you ran up against.   

Other brands are successful because they are the very best and perfect fit for some, and I hope that will be the case for you!


Thanks for you kind prayers and wishes.   

Means the world to me, and I send mine back to you and those you love.❤️🤗❤️



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova