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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]



You need onion goggles

Safely Tearless Kitchen Onion Goggles Eye Glasses Onions Chopping Tears  Free Protector Kitchen Cooking Tools - Specialty Tools - AliExpress


Now I've seen everything! 😂


Have you ever tried Mayan Sweet onions from Peru? They're very mild, like Vidalias. They don't bother me at all.

(Sorry, but its not letting me make paragraphs today.)

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010


i should not have used a brand name vidalia

i meant sweet flat onions in general makes me less weepy

and NO @Bri369 if to buy and wear those goggles

i might as well take out my snorkel mask


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difficulties posting

keeps saying i have code and must be changed to another format

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difficulties posting

keeps saying i have code and must be changed to another format


Yes, there have been posting problems again today.😫

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dear predsHeartand friendsHeart

uh..yesterday while walking with neighbor friend..i happened to look behind me and saw a pick up truck slowly moving behind us as street has no sidewalks!

I say. to friend... .there is a truck behind us and we moved over...

and driver slowly gets in other lane and is laughing and he stopped and told us we were walking "3miles per hour."😄😁

Guess he didn't want to scare us by honking or passing we couldn't hear his truck behind us!yes..we were talking/laughing.

Todays walk was very windy and in 20's and we were really bundled up...long coat,hat,gloves!But it felt good to walk.

Wind has now stopped blowing.

lubs ya! Heart...

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@Bri369If you find one, let me know. I want one too!😂❤️

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010




@Bri369, ^^^ THIS! ^^^



did u guys go on waitlist?

i may or may not get one - hope someone cancels

but then there is shipping... it is a LOT

you need air holes - priority shipping and all that

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

oops forgot that @NEvans2 wanted 1 too

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010
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Registered: ‎07-09-2010


Good Morning Y'all: I was looking at my Christmas shopping list. So far: this is the first time that I haven't ordered anything from Qvc for at least one gift.My last order was in February for my oval pressure cooker. One gift has been from Bath and Body works, BA Mason shoes, and a lot from Wal-Mart and Amazon. I have six gifts left to purchase and 5 will be gift cards and none for Qvc. Very busy trying to find the best deals with free shipping and fast delivery. Plus my gift giving list has been cut in 1\2 and really wish could be less. I am really trying to gift items that are really needed and will beused. Two people per request are receiving cook books with my recipes. Another person is receiving waffle maker and Baby Cakes Cupcakes maker and large box filled with grocery items for the two appliances. If you care to respond : What are y'all doing and any changes?🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁

@SouthernBeeas i had mentioned before - i stopped exchanging gifts years ago with adults. Also stopped once the niece and nephew graduate college which as been several years. I have gifted - spur of the moment or lil things which are NOT premeditated- so not considereed gifts.

my younger niece BD was on Thanksgiving week - she usually gets something baked - black pepper / walnut biscotti (her fav flavor) - a package of pistachio choc truffles and OXO kitchen shears (i love them as they come apart for cleaning)

just say - this is the last year i am exhanging a gift with you - i dont need anythig but i would love to spend some time - have dinner - with you

continue to give your homemade food gifts as they are much appreciated and different thatn buying a candle etc