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@Yahooey : I'm good. Trying to decide what to cook today. I love baking but not when it's hot. I try not to bake very much because of portion control and trying to eat healthier. I haven't loss any weight in the last few weeks but the positive is that I haven't gained. Stay cool and enjoy your day.🤗❤️

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Hello @dooBdoo, Hope you are feeling better today.  No fun to be sick, for sure.  So it’s good to stay in jammies, rest up, take some meds if you should, and wrap yourself in your favorite blankie.  And please know you are being sent love and healing from all the Lovelies here.  


I have been on a “cleaning spree” here.  Very unusual for me.

My GD is coming to spend a few days with us next week.  I guess I’ll take any incentive I can get.





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Posts: 15,291
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Bri369 wrote:

Today is my dad's 90th birthday.  Another July baby Smiley Happy


We are going over to his house and play cards.  He told us to plan on staying late.  LOL

@Bri369 , happy belated Birthday to your dad! 🎉❤️

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Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Yahooey wrote:

this is a horrible heiness story but true

sis was a dud before this happened and i'm sure if u heard her side

she is always misunderstood and the victim


my sis is older than me by 13 years

my brother and me are 1.5 years apart - i'm the middle child

i know - Jan from the Brady Bunch - i never get the attention


in April - my mom went for her 1st radiation treatment

and she couldnt empty her bladder fully, which I didn't now and she was admitted

while at the hospital they started giving her the radiation treatment

i spent 8 hrs trying to get her home by ambulance upon discharge and i msg the dud and my brother saying - can someone go to the treatement tomorrow


my brother was picking up a transport chair from my older niece, who ordered through amazon prime (dud's daughter) and the food she prepared - sis picked up some new meds prescribed by hospital


brother and sis met at my place purely by chance 

brother asked sis - can u do it tomorrow 

she said - she had something to do

brother asked what - 

she said - i dont want to - i dont like those places


brother and me knew the outcome but we wanted her to say it


i took mom to her last treatment on my BD bc that is a place everyone wants to go on their BD - my brother was the driver and iwaited while I usually brought her inside for all the appts







@Yahooey , I'm so sorry. She sounds just like my MIL and FIL. They didn't go to my mom or dad's funeral. Their excuse? We don't like funerals. 😡🙄😞

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Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Yahooey wrote:

just found a fun video








@Yahooey ❤️

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Posts: 15,291
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@dooBdoo wrote:

@cowboy sam wrote:

Dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


I didn't get out of my jammies at all  today as its been a light rainy day  and felt sleepy all day.


lubs ya!Heart


Me, too, @cowboy sam!   Jammies and hiding under the soft cotton patchwork quilt my grandmother made.

I've been feeling sick for a few days, and we've had two or three days of storms and really heavy rain off and on, and jammies just seemed best.

lubs ya, too!❤️


@dooBdoo , feel better soon! ❤️

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Posts: 15,291
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Yahooey wrote:

another great video 


hopez dis maks u S. M. I. L. E- i ai nose it wil


Screen Shot 2021-07-11 at 7.00.57 AM.png

@Yahooey , ❤️ Sampson & Cleo! 🥰 

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Posts: 15,291
Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@PamfromCT wrote:

Hello @dooBdoo, Hope you are feeling better today.  No fun to be sick, for sure.  So it’s good to stay in jammies, rest up, take some meds if you should, and wrap yourself in your favorite blankie.  And please know you are being sent love and healing from all the Lovelies here.  


I have been on a “cleaning spree” here.  Very unusual for me.

My GD is coming to spend a few days with us next week.  I guess I’ll take any incentive I can get.





@PamfromCT , enjoy ☺️ your visit! 

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Posts: 9,717
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Yahooey  "I will now name her Pancake since the first one is always a dud." 

I'm dying Smiley LOLSmiley LOLSmiley LOL 👊 

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Posts: 14,453
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

@cowboy sam wrote:

Dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


I didn't get out of my jammies at all  today as its been a light rainy day  and felt sleepy all day.


lubs ya!Heart

@cowboy sam 


It's nice just to rest once in a while.  


I'm glad you moved on with your sister.  When someone is toxic, they'll poison everyone 


Lubs ya Heart