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@Yahooey : In my 20's had the traditional stationary bike but many years later very difficult to get on. Tried a manual and then electric treadmill and never felt comfortable. First two years of retirement tried the ladies gym - Curves but really didn't see any results. The recumbent bike was the last purchase and what my doctor recommended. Don't drive and can't do the gym or walking outside. Determined to make this work.🤗❤️

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@cowboy sam :😁 Go eat and enjoy.🤗❤️❤️❤️

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@Yahooey : Yep- need to get my groove or movements going.🤗❤️

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@SouthernBee 🐝 


an inspiration for all of us

i'm going for a walk in a few minutes




@SouthernBee @cowboy sam @Mj12 @Bri369 @dooBdoo @PamfromCT 

@loveschocolate @Drythe @Coquille 


@momtochloe so happy to see u - missed u lots

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Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]

@Yahooey : Stay safe and cool.🥤❤️ Current temperature 93 ugh!

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@Yahooey wrote:

@Bri369 @Mj12 @SouthernBee 


i believe removing all the items before getting on bike accounts for 10 calories burn


i know the calories burned is so unfiar - it takes me 5 seconds or less to devour 1 cookie and that is way over 100 calories - NOT FAIR!!! Hmmph



No, it isn't fair.


You know what else isn't fair.  Why do you cookies have calories?  And bacon.  And cake.  And wine.  And pizza.  



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I always got the best results using the elliptical.  The treadmill is so boring to me.  I like walking outside the best.  I even do Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's.  



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@Mj12 wrote:

@Bri369 wrote:

@Mj12 wrote:

@SouthernBee @Bri369  thank you - I think I am 90% better.  That 10% should be gone this week.  It had better be! Heart

@Mj12  Yay! 


It takes such a long time.  Did the cream help?

OMG it DID help.


@Coquille it helped - thank you!

@Mj12 😘

Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.
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@Yahooey wrote:

i had a stationary bike (gave it away) and a nordic track (clothes rack) which i used for many many years like clockwork 2 x a week  before i went to work


when biking - i had to watch a TV show - since they run 30 minutes -

no skipping commercials - before DVR days - that was how long it was


i only did the nordic track for 21 minutes - i worked it out so i did x amount of miles but i forgot what it was - has been a long long while

@Yahooey  Me Too! 

Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.
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@Bri369 : I have the LS walking tapes but I need to strengthen my legs before trying them.❤️🤗