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Powerball Winner

[ Edited ]

Well I live in the Small Town in Western MA that has the Powerball WINNER from last night's BIGGEST Powerball ever!! Media Trucks from all TV stations surrounding the Store. I guess they are waiting for the "Middle Aged" Lady they think is the winner to show up!!!! I am sure she is talking to a Lawyer before showing up. Biggest thing that has happened here in a Long time or MAYBE EVER!!

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Don't know what I did But my post showed up Twice!

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If I were the winner it would be a while before I came forward. I would get a lawyer and a Financial Advisor first and foremost...Once you come forward you will be bombarded like crazy, and every one will want a piece of you.I can just imagine how crazy it would be.......

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Lawyer, Financial advisor,  MOVE then come forward in that order. Hope the winner makes use of the winnings in a positive way.

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Security would be an issue too, people do crazy things.

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Everybody thinks it would be so great to win big like that but it would change your life forever - and not really in a good way!  So many have said they are now unhappy after a big win and have lost their privacy.  I say no thanks - not for me.  I am happy with my life as it is!  Maybe  a win of about 50,000 would be nice but there would be too many negatives in such a huge win!!1

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Can you imagine all the "relatives" you never knew you had that would crawl under the woodwork??? Smiley Happy

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@Pook wrote:

Everybody thinks it would be so great to win big like that but it would change your life forever - and not really in a good way!  So many have said they are now unhappy after a big win and have lost their privacy.  I say no thanks - not for me.  I am happy with my life as it is!  Maybe  a win of about 50,000 would be nice but there would be too many negatives in such a huge win!!1

I think I could be that unhappy!

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People that you thought that you could trust, and were close to, family and friends, change when you won't share with them.



And I'm not talking about a one-time sharing, I mean constantly giving them money every time that they ask for it.



They also can resent you for having won.

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

I agree....we are such private people I would hate for everyone to know who we are...I wonder if you can have anonymity or do you have to come out to the world? I thought I read that's part of winning the lottery your name is made public.  Ahhh, but all that loot...pretty amazing!!

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it