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Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

Peopl here are so judgmental. The wedding is 6 months from now; anything could happen. Maybe it will have to be postponed, maybe not. Just wish them the best of luck in their plans. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

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Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

@teganslaw wrote:

Peopl here are so judgmental. The wedding is 6 months from now; anything could happen. Maybe it will have to be postponed, maybe not. Just wish them the best of luck in their plans. 

Many people and organizations are making plans for next year, many are for large numbers of people at large venues.  I have plans to attend one event next May that will easily have 700 to 800 people in attendance.  

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

@Annabellethecat66 @What are you doing for fun these days?

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Posts: 15,405
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Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

@willdob3 wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@willdob3 wrote:

@NYC Susan wrote:

@RetRN wrote:

Anyone planning a wedding during the pandemic for more than 10 people is just plain selfish. I can't believe a poster here had a family wedding with 50 people and they were eating together, dancing, what are these people thinking?


The number of people is not the issue.  It's about percentage of capacity.  50 people during a pandemic sounds like a lot to me too, but it completely depends on the capacity of the room.  50 people in a room meant for 50 is one thing, but entirely different if the room is meant for 100 or more, with plenty of room to move around and stay apart.


I also wouldn't assume they weren't social distancing and taking other precautions.  People dancing together who live in the same household (i.e. couples) is perfectly fine.  Best not to jump on a poster without knowing the details and assuming she was irresponsible.  Calling her selfish is unnecessarily unkind.

@NYC Susan  No, the issue is not the percentage of capacity. The issue is that we are in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic.

@willdob3  Places are opening according to guidelines. Our restaurants are now open to fifty percent capacity. Everyone is going. Venues have capacities according to their size. This is what's happening in my county in NY. If things weren't going well guidelines would change.



Maybe places near you are honestly opening up according to guidelines. Florida is 100% open and if you think a single real guideline says that is OK you are in serious trouble. As it Florida. 

@willdob3  He opened it for a reason. And not because he had the best interest of the people in his state in mind.

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Posts: 13,025
Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@willdob3 wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@willdob3 wrote:

@NYC Susan wrote:

@RetRN wrote:

Anyone planning a wedding during the pandemic for more than 10 people is just plain selfish. I can't believe a poster here had a family wedding with 50 people and they were eating together, dancing, what are these people thinking?


The number of people is not the issue.  It's about percentage of capacity.  50 people during a pandemic sounds like a lot to me too, but it completely depends on the capacity of the room.  50 people in a room meant for 50 is one thing, but entirely different if the room is meant for 100 or more, with plenty of room to move around and stay apart.


I also wouldn't assume they weren't social distancing and taking other precautions.  People dancing together who live in the same household (i.e. couples) is perfectly fine.  Best not to jump on a poster without knowing the details and assuming she was irresponsible.  Calling her selfish is unnecessarily unkind.

@NYC Susan  No, the issue is not the percentage of capacity. The issue is that we are in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic.

@willdob3  Places are opening according to guidelines. Our restaurants are now open to fifty percent capacity. Everyone is going. Venues have capacities according to their size. This is what's happening in my county in NY. If things weren't going well guidelines would change.



Maybe places near you are honestly opening up according to guidelines. Florida is 100% open and if you think a single real guideline says that is OK you are in serious trouble. As it Florida. 

@willdob3  He opened it for a reason. And not because he had the best interest of the people in his state in mind.

@proudlyfromNJ  Exactly. Just like all the other horrible decisions he has made regarding the pandemic. 

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Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

@dex  Can't think of a gosh darn thing!


My two daughters, my granddaughter and grandson all went apple picking yesterday and I stayed home.  I can't be standing for very long.  My back tightens up and begins to hurt.


They brought me back some apple cider (I don't drink it though, maybe my daughter will) and a fresh caramel apple (I love those).


It stinks because I have little 'problems' here and there but for the most part I'm in very good health (good genes).


I might start crocheting again.  I usually do that in the winter months.  It helps the arthritis in my hands.


It bothers me the way I'm so sedentary; but I don't have a choice.


In two weeks now I have to go back in and have more nerves burned off of my spine (simplistic way of saying it).


My daughter is here from Denver again.  She spoils me like, "Mom, can I get you anything.  Mom let me do that for you."


It's nice but I need to get up off of my fanny and do it myself for 2 reasons, I need the exercise and I'm a very independent person otherwise.



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Posts: 19,538
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

@RetRN wrote:

Anyone planning a wedding during the pandemic for more than 10 people is just plain selfish. I can't believe a poster here had a family wedding with 50 people and they were eating together, dancing, what are these people thinking?


@RetRN The bride and groom in Maine must feel terrible for the outbreak resulting from their wedding. My friend's son had only 10 in attendance with the rest having to virtually watch. 

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Posts: 9,971
Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

It would seem that the cost of a wedding for 450 guests would be astronomical. Not knowing their ages I'm not sure if the couple or parents would be paying for the event. I truly can't imagine many people replying that they would be attending in the current environment.

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Posts: 18,660
Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

I don't believe him. 


He might be wanting to 'get your goat', so to speak.


Keep in mind that I haven't read ANY of the replies.  This is just my first thought.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Posts: 18,660
Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: Planning a wedding for 450??

p.s.  Could be a substantial monetary risk, if he/they submitted down-payment deposits on each wedding category.


Venue, food, music, etc., etc.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).