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katcat1, You are soooo right! Total agreement with you! Good for you!

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Call the offenders and tell them that you are hurt when they don't thank you for your gifts.Tell them that you are not even sure if they have received them

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I rarely have a pet peeve but I do now.  I am sick of hearing TV talking heads begin their comments by saying, "Listen, ..."


It comes across as an order to pay attention to what they are about to say.

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Any form, verbiage, actions or intent showing disrespect.  

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Texting/talking on phone while driving.


When the person in front of me at the grocery store stands there until the cashier gives a $ total. THEN reaches in the purse for the check book and starts filling out the check. Who uses checks anymore??


Also, FYI  when signing the credit card thingee at the store, NO ONE actulaly checks your signature! People spend forever signing like it's a flipping will. 


Now I'm all hopped up

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Posts: 6,889
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@Puppy Lips wrote:

I have many.  But the one bugging me now is not getting a written thank you note for a wedding gift.  My nephew got married almost 3 months ago, and I have not received a thank you, neither has my Mom, Sister, or Son/Daugher in Law.  I am about to send my brother, his Dad, a text to say WTF?   There is no excuse for this.

Why not directly contact the nephew who received the wedding gift?

I agree.  One of MY pet peeves is being asked to account for the behavior of others.  I really resent being asked, "Why did so-and-so do this or that?"  The nephew is clearly an adult.  I would ask him, nicely, if he received the gift.  And I would leave his father out of it.


eta:  I just read further.  If I had no way to contact the nephew, I would let it go.  If I really needed to say something, I would ask another relative for his phone number without divulging the reason why.  It seems to me that it shouldn't be hard to find contact information assuming there was a wedding invitation and likely other correspondence.  Certainly someone knows how to reach him.


I'm a big fan of thank you notes, but I'm not sure it's fair to say there's "no excuse for this".   If I had this distant of a relationship with him, I wouldn't presume to know what was going on in his life.  (I know someone who was diagnosed with cancer on his honeymoon, and kept it quiet for awhile after.)  There very well may be an excuse.  Or not.  But either way, my concern would be that the gift might not have been received, so I wouldn't say anything beyond that.  In this case, I would probably just let it go.  And for sure I wouldn't question his father.

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@Noel7 wrote:

I rarely have a pet peeve but I do now.  I am sick of hearing TV talking heads begin their comments by saying, "Listen, ..."


It comes across as an order to pay attention to what they are about to say.



That's my feeling about "You need to..." Um- NO, I don't "need to" do anything someone else suggests/demands unless it is my doctor, my tax man or fire/law enforcement. 


People need to stop telling others they need to do whatever ;-)

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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"Please stay on the line. Your call is very important to us."  The he££ it is! If my call were that important, I wouldn't have to press endless prompt buttons, never find the one that fits my case, and turn a one minute call into half hour.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@Vivian Florimond wrote:

"Please stay on the line. Your call is very important to us."  The he££ it is! If my call were that important, I wouldn't have to press endless prompt buttons, never find the one that fits my case, and turn a one minute call into half hour.

I agree!  "Your call is very important to us" is meaningless.  They might as well be saying, "blah blah blah".

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Registered: ‎04-18-2012

People that whine about other peoples life choices that have nothing to do with them. 

Don't Change Your Authenticity for Approval