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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

On 6/24/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 6/24/2014 Cakers1 said:
On 6/24/2014 straykatz said:

The food industry....especially Monsanto has spent billions and will continue to spend billions to make sure they can continue to poison us with chemicals....all we can do as consumers is buy as much organic as we can afford.....and eliminate processed/prepackaged foods which means cooking from scratch......look around the world and see what has been banned in other countries that our FDA still approves - that alone should scare us!....the FDA is NOT on our side and neither is the food industry.....bototm line - it's all about profits.

Monsanto's goal is to wipe out organic farmers. I've noticed at WF the selection of organic fruits are at an all time low, at least at mine. They've always had both conventional and organic produce, but the organic products right now are outnumbered by conventional produce.

Monsanto will never be taken to task for the what they are doing; along with droughts and diminishing arable land we are looking at a serious food/water problem here alone, never mind the rest of the world.

There are not enough people to care and speak up; it's frustrating to read about those who think it's just "sky is falling" mentality among those of us involved in environmental issues.

I'd rather be a hennypenny than wake up one morning to find no water, no food, no clean air to breathe.

Actually, it's Chicken Little who said that the sky was falling.{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}{#emotions_dlg.w00t}

{#emotions_dlg.blush}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}{#emotions_dlg.blush} Dang - hennypenny was the one nobody would help, right? lol

Kind of the same - some are working hard to maintain our planet and some are blissfully going about their business without a clue.

Mother Earth weeps.

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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

Is this surprising to ANYONE???

Monsanto is the evil empire- always has been. The chemicals, the's killing everything. They've been part of our gov for years, so they aren't going anywhere. And yes, they certainly don't want organic farming- they want total control.

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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

Unfortunately with the world's population today I am afraid we are facing a catch 22...we are damed if we do, we are damed if we don't. Either chemicals will kill a large majority of the population or food shortages from the lack of using chemicals will kill us. At this point there is no lasting solution.

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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

Monsanto is the worst culprit since it has such a far reaching effect on the worlds food and btw, stores like Whole Foods as well as Trader Joes are coming under fire for false claims of organic food labeling and GMO sources on their own labeled products.

Everyone knows about the tire bread ingrediant at subway but did you know that Panera is also a culprit of poor choices as they go on advertising healthy salad ingredients.

I had a tiff with the Company Natures Organic last week because they label their packages with the Non GMO front and center and they use Canola Oil in their cooking. There is no such thing as Non GMO Canola Oil. It is a by product of Canadian Crude oil and is used as an insect repellant. But the Canadian Gov't paid over 50 Million to the US FDA to allow them to market it on the FDA's safe list of by products and so you can find this toxic to humans oil on the shelf with others. They gave me this long spiel of company lies and it is just that lies that they get away with unless the consumer does their research.

It is not this generation coming up that needs to wake up it is all the generations prior who go along like sheep eating foods that are bad for us.

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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

On 6/24/2014 Cakers1 said:

I still have my copy of Silent Spring. Interesting that Dow Chemical tried to stop the publication of that book back then, claiming that Rachel Carson was incorrect in her data. Of course, they lost in court.

I still believe that many neuro conditions as well as cancer are the consequences of chemicals in our water, air, and soil.

Wishing VP had a "Like" button... Ms Carson was SO ahead of her time........
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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

Oh and it was the ""Little Red Hen"" that no one would help........I think.....
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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

That's what happens when all/most of us depend on and only buy commercial products in supermarkets, etc. Years ago, most/many folks grew apple, orange, whatever trees and only ate those fruits and vegetables when in season. They 'canned' those foods in jars for the off seasons, during the winter, etc. They didn't depend on commercially produced 'chemical' fruits and vegetables. I think we are too demanding, wanting every fruit and veg. all year around. Just thinking out loud............IMO. p.s. I have a feeling that many of us could 'grow our own' (at least seasonally).

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

It looks as though reading all of those books didn't do most of us much good,...........Well, at least we know the difference.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

On 6/24/2014 ROMARY said:

It looks as though reading all of those books didn't do most of us much good,...........Well, at least we know the difference.

And There are many who do not believe that the environment is being damaged at all...
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Posts: 2,380
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Pesticides Put World Food Supply at Risk COMMON CHEMICALS AS BAD AS DDT, RESEARCHERS SAY

On 6/24/2014 Caravaggio said:

Monsanto is the worst culprit since it has such a far reaching effect on the worlds food and btw, stores like Whole Foods as well as Trader Joes are coming under fire for false claims of organic food labeling and GMO sources on their own labeled products.

Everyone knows about the tire bread ingrediant at subway but did you know that Panera is also a culprit of poor choices as they go on advertising healthy salad ingredients.

I had a tiff with the Company Natures Organic last week because they label their packages with the Non GMO front and center and they use Canola Oil in their cooking. There is no such thing as Non GMO Canola Oil. It is a by product of Canadian Crude oil and is used as an insect repellant. But the Canadian Gov't paid over 50 Million to the US FDA to allow them to market it on the FDA's safe list of by products and so you can find this toxic to humans oil on the shelf with others. They gave me this long spiel of company lies and it is just that lies that they get away with unless the consumer does their research.

It is not this generation coming up that needs to wake up it is all the generations prior who go along like sheep eating foods that are bad for us.

Canola oil is refined from rapeseed - a plant based seed.