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Re: People that get under your skin

@goldensrbest wrote:

What if they post on here?

Time to walk away from the computer.

Not worth the energy.

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Re: People that get under your skin

[ Edited ]

In RL, I tend to avoid them.

On these boards, sometimes I will engage and sometimes not. It depends on my mood. A well placed LOL often does the trick.


The one thing I do not abide is racist statements. I will call them out on and in RL

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Re: People that get under your skin

I don't have a good solution. The truth is that I get stressed out and depressed when I'm around people that get under my skin and I can't avoid them (like at work!). 

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Re: People that get under your skin

@goldensrbest wrote:

What if they post on here?

just roll your eyes like everyone else Smiley Tongue

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Re: People that get under your skin

I have a very good friend that I eat with around 4 times a week.  She gets on my nerves but I get on her's.  That's the main thing we do together, we eat and complain and talk.  Then we say good-bye til next time.


My point is 'it works'.  I have a lot of other friends but she doesn't.  I love people and she doesn't.  She is never happy, I usually am.  We are total opposites....


But it works.  Just remember that you probably get under people's skin too.  If they bother you a lot stay away from them but if you have to interact with probably get under their skin too, just remember that and don't be judgmental.

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Re: People that get under your skin

[ Edited ]

As someone else here mentioned:   Throughout the many years, I've always secretly thanked my lucky stars that I'm not like some folks.  It could have easily happened, I guess.  But, thanks to our good luck and our faith or whatever else, sometimes we are just plain lucky that we don't have some folks' traits and/or personalities.    ......... Edited: Not that I'm perfect or consider myself 'perfect' by any means at all. 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: People that get under your skin

I try to avoid them at all cost. I have 2 neighbors who live in my cull de sac that are nothing but trouble makers. The more hate and discontent then can sow the happier they are.


I see these people every day.  It is hard to avoid them, but I don't make any kind of contact with them at all.


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Re: People that get under your skin

Wait. People under my skin? Why, yes, according to the inimitable Frank Sinatra:

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: People that get under your skin

@fourpaws56 wrote:

I don't give anyone the power to get under my skin...

Send me that power, PLEASE.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: People that get under your skin

If I can't avoid them, I go into shut down mode and ignore them.