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Re: People taking things the wrong way

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

When you go looking for insults you can usually find them.

@CrazyDaisyMost often.


Hammer and nail and all that.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: People taking things the wrong way

Believe me, I was here about nine years ago. No moderators. Any old thing was said. We did have true bullies here in numbers.
@goldensrbest, I know your cool because I have two goldens too.😊
Ignore bullies as much as possible! I try to!
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Re: People taking things the wrong way

There is definitely been a different tone on these forums lately. I don't usually get my feelings hurt but I do get a little miffed when someone quotes or takes a part of something I posted and forget to put the little @ sign when they comment. I then start to think they don't want me to see what they are saying and some of the remarks were not called for.


Regardless, this is still a form of social media and there will be those that will as my son says "throw shade". I say this because some get just plain ugly with some of the comments. But at the end of the day this is just a board and I would like to think it was a place to get some good advice from those that have experienced all sorts of different life events.

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Re: People taking things the wrong way

Good answers. It was a happy day in my adult life when I crossed over and cared much less what people thought. I believe in myself and I am enough. When I begin getting too sensitive I think -- woops -- I started caring too much about 'nothing' things.


Remember that nursery rhyme, Mary, Mary quite contrary.....? I'm sure more people would begin posts if the Mary's (male or female) weren't waiting to pounce. For some reason they need to feel a superior release, hiding behind a screen. We all know them. They're neighbors, work cohorts, families members, church folks AND they're here. But truly, there aren't many of them. Just a small, insignificant number.


Today - You have a perfect opportunity to add a personal goal -- limit the things you care too much about. There's only a few things precious enough to make us worry.     


"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: People taking things the wrong way

@goldensrbest wrote:

I have always had my feelings hurt easily, toughened up some over the years, but i have noticed that  some take  a comment you leave ,and take it negatively , more than use to.



You have absolutely no control over what someone else says or thinks.  Just ignore it.


Sometimes I think they just want to start an argument ... don't take the bait.  Misery loves company.

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Re: People taking things the wrong way

Way back, years ago, when I joined these boards. Quite a few times I had shared a feeling or a comment and when I read the remarks directed at me, many made me cry. I no longer read anything past what I post. Done.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: People taking things the wrong way

Don't over think the boards. I think of it like a fun distraction. Like chit chat.
I don't agree on everything but who does? Express your opinions! Bounce them in and don't worry.
Hang loose... Brisk out....
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Re: People taking things the wrong way

This topic is one I hear discussed all the time due to DH's line of work; middle school issues regarding bullying and media; sons who are in college and their friends and the issues they deal with plus media accounts and work that I do.


Someone is ALWAYS offended by what you or someone else says. And talking to everyday people (not those in the news, not those with a social media presence), they are sick of it.


* There will always be those LOOKING to be offended

* There will always be those who love to engage in offencive behavior because it makes them happy (which is so sad).

* Trolls LIVE to engage in battle and stir the pot (often seen in online chat rooms and forums).

* It's easy to be rude when online because you can hide behind a screen/stay anonymous.

* This behavior sells. (viewership means money)


Personally, when I read something rude, snarky, nasty, etc, I always wonder if this is actually how a person speaks in the REAL world: to family, to coworkers, to neighbors, etc. If so, I pity them. I speak online the same way I do in real life; why wouldn't I?


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Re: People taking things the wrong way

[ Edited ]

I frequently try to keep in mind what I read that someone stated here several years ago. We never really know what is going on in a person's life.  Maybe they are in mental or physical pain, or on medication, and maybe can not control themselves and the meanness they may be temporarily feeling and it flows through their fingertips into typing nasty comments.  Then again, for some folks, they just enjoy stirring the pot and watching the drama here unfold.

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Re: People taking things the wrong way

  I find most people on these boards to be kind & considerate. When they disagree they do it respectfully. But I find some are on these boards to settle a score. They go out of their way to be hurtful & mean.

  I look at them as being unhappy. How sad for them.My mom taught me that "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". That's how I choose to live.