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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

How would those people know how much your new roof cost????   If you told them, you really have no reason to object that they are expressing opinions.   I've never had that experience but that's because I tend to be closed mouth when it comes to things that cost a lot of money. 

I don't think she told them.
I think they made the comment based on the company she is using to do it.


             Oh...     I'll just consider myself lucky that I don't know any crass people like that. 

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

[ Edited ]

It sounds like you have done some good research on this and are happy with your decision.

I would probably research some of the companies , if any, that others suggested just out of interest and also to be even more sure about the decision I'd already made.

And also, (which you have probably already done), read reviews of the company I chose.

But that is a wonderful lifetime warranty for a roof! And it sounds like a good decision from what you have said. You'll know you've chosen the right one.


I guess I with a decision this big, I would welcome opinions for whatever reason they were given; not that I would agree with them eventually but would be interested in what my neighbors had experienced. And yes sometimes a company is more expensive, but many times they are worth it.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@cherry wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

How would those people know how much your new roof cost????   If you told them, you really have no reason to object that they are expressing opinions.   I've never had that experience but that's because I tend to be closed mouth when it comes to things that cost a lot of money. 

They don't know. We have a sign the company asked us to put in our front yard advertising them


       In that case a very cold and curt  "we decided we're going with XXX company and we're happy with our decision'.   And then you refuse to discuss it after that. 

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

During the 4½ years since we bought this house we've done a lot  of high ticket improvements to it.  Seeing the changes happening, around year 2, the neighbor next door made a comment to my DH about the money we must have.  DH laughed then shot back, "Yep, that's why I'm living next door to you."  


@cherry  I wholeheartedly agree that, particularly with expensive items, it's worth--and, in the long run, less expensive--to invest in the best quality you can.


When we were looking to replace our roof, the man across the street gave us the name of the 'man' he used. Before he gave us an estimate, this guy actually asked how much insurance we have and asked to see our policy!  Needless to say, he didn't get the job.  That could have turned out to be a very expensive roof.

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money


@cherry, LOL, isn't it funny how certain people think they are the "authority" on everything (even on these forums)!  We, too, went with a reputable roofing company that had been in business for many, many years, and don't regret it!  My DH will not hire anyone that comes in our house for any type of repairs unless they are licensed and bonded, if it calls for paying a higher price, then so be it!

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@Hooty wrote:


@cherry, LOL, isn't it funny how certain people think they are the "authority" on everything (even on these forums)!  We, too, went with a reputable roofing company that had been in business for many, many years, and don't regret it!  My DH will not hire anyone that comes in our house for any type of repairs unless they are licensed and bonded, if it calls for paying a higher price, then so be it!


       Well, that is the only way to ensure that a job is being done by professionals who know what they are doing.   If it's a big job and you need a building permit, you don't have choice.  You have to use a licensed and bonded company,

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@IamMrsG wrote:

During the 4½ years since we bought this house we've done a lot  of high ticket improvements to it.  Seeing the changes happening, around year 2, the neighbor next door made a comment to my DH about the money we must have.  DH laughed then shot back, "Yep, that's why I'm living next door to you."  


@cherry  I wholeheartedly agree that, particularly with expensive items, it's worth--and, in the long run, less expensive--to invest in the best quality you can.


When we were looking to replace our roof, the man across the street gave us the name of the 'man' he used. Before he gave us an estimate, this guy actually asked how much insurance we have and asked to see our policy!  Needless to say, he didn't get the job.  That could have turned out to be a very expensive roof.

@IamMrsG~That's pretty creepy! He is the one who should have insurance and license etc!


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

It is a wise decision to pick a company that you have confidence that they will do a good job. And it is worth paying a bit extra for that piece of mind, especially something as important as a roof.


A few years after we moved into our house, we decided to get a new roof. We were not sure the age of the roof but it looked like it would need to be replaced in a few years. Our next door neighbor said her Dad replaced roofs all the time and would give us a good price. So we said OK. We thought they did a good job, the price was standard. And it looked like they did a good job - until the first wind storm. We spent the next day picking up our shingles from around the neighborhood. We thought oh the shingles weren't secure in one spot. So my husband nailed new shingles to replace the ones that blew off. Well, repeat that a few more times. Our neighbor's Dad got sick and died - so we were stuck with a crummy job. Then we had a roofing expert look at the job. He said they should have used nails instead of staples and the "gun" was set too tight that many of the staples cut through the shingle. 


Well, you better believe it, when we got a new roof many Contractors were interviewed and checked out. And thankfully we don't have to chase our shingles after storms anymore.

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

on the bay wrote:  @IamMrsG~That's pretty creepy! He is the one who should have insurance and license etc!


@on the bay  Creepy, indeed!  Ours is a ranch house and I can only surmise he figured a one-story 'fall' wouldn't be too hard on him.  

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money