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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

People tend to be jealous when they think you have the money to spend.  I have experienced it in my own family when I purchased a designer handbag for my mother many years ago (talk about jealous family members).  It's no ones business how you spend your money and to who you give it.  Ignore these people as they do not know any better.  Cat Very Happy

Enjoy your new roof, I hope it looks great!

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

I say just go with what you think is best for your house and finances. We put on a new roof this past year and talked to 3 companies with 3 very different quotes. No we did not go with the co.with the lowest price. All factors were considered before making our decision. 


You were wise to consider the  reputation of a co. and one that will be around to service the warranty, if needed. I try and remember that you get what you pay for. Cheap doesn't always get the job done in a professional manner.


Your money, your decision, no one else's business.

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

When I needed a new roof, of course price was an issue, but more important was the reputation of my roofer. I live in a small community, so it is easy to ask around and  find out how satisfied people were with the work. In the end  it was not cheap, and I had to wait for the guy I wanted, but I got a goo roof, and that is the most important thing. I value opinions of people who have had experience with the work, but what I pay is my business.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

You are the ones paying for it and it is your home. I think there really is a difference in quality when it comes to things like this. You need to use a reputable company that stands by their work and being in business for the long term speaks volumes. I say do what you want and when they make comments to you like that you should just say to them "when you have yours done you will be able to use the companies you are speaking of for your work."

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

In life there's always the big mouths that could have had it done cheaper, they know someone who could have done it better or (my favorite) they know someone who could have done it cheaper AND better.


I have a neighbor like that.  She pokes her nose in everyone's business.  Whatever she says or does is always better than anyone else.  Thank goodness she HATES me so I don't have to hear about it first friend (who sees her) sometimes tells me.


Another good thing is she KNOWS this person is my friend so she never says anything about ME to or around this person.  What I don't know or hear doesn't upset me.  Ignorance (in this case) is bliss.


My advice is to do two things, 1) consider the source and 2) let it all go in and out within seconds...(the later is the best advice).  Your life will be happier.

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@Pearlee wrote:

The woman of the couple who used to live dacross the street from me ( in a house that is kind of a citron greenish-yellow color!), told me when I first painted my house about 20 years ago that they really didn't like the color I had it painted which was a charcoal gray (and was the same color the house had been when I bought it, which is what attracted me to the house in the first place)!  My paint job merely refreshed the same color they had been living across of for years!.  Anyway.....


For a few seconds I was shocked when the woman told me that. But I managed to recover and say, "the day you pay for my house to be painted is the day you can choose the color."  She really looked surprised and walked off in a huff.   They moved away about a year later.  Thankfully.  And that house is still citron greenish-yellow!



That was quote rude of her!


My house is a deep grey, and I love it.  Several of the houses in the neighborhood are varying versions of grey.  But they're all spread out, with many other colors in between. 


The neighbor across the street from me remarked that the neighborhood was "boring" because "everyone" painted their houses grey.


This from the guy whose house is (in my opinion), an ugly brownish color, needs a paint job, and has moss growing all over the roof!


I just smile and make no reply.  Smiley Happy

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

Thanks everyone I feel better. This roof is garanteed  for a life time. WE will never have to roof again ,nor will my kids who are planning on living in the house when we are gone


We will get a break on our home owners insurance, becaue hail will not damage this material and it is resistant to fire


We haven't shared any of this with the nosy neighbors

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

How would those people know how much your new roof cost????   If you told them, you really have no reason to object that they are expressing opinions.   I've never had that experience but that's because I tend to be closed mouth when it comes to things that cost a lot of money. 

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

I do not take comments like this personally. The comment is about the fees a company charges, not about you.



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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@cherry wrote:

Tomorrow our new roof goes on. We picked a certain company to do it, because of their reputation, and better business ratings


In the last 2 days my husband, has had 2 people tell him, our company is too expensive. We chose a company that has been in business for 27 years and whose son just entered the company after college. Because we want a company that is going to be around if we need them in the future


I would never presume to tell someone they are being over charged for something, No one even knows the price of the roof or the type of shingles we are using


I think they are out of line. Has this kind of thing happened to you?

What counts is quality, not price. The product or service with the cheapest price usually isn't the best! We just had this discussion  re: a great $500 Dooney bag in a QVC community section today! It sounds as if you made a solid decision to go with a company that has been in business so long. For as long as I can remember, my mother has taught me never to shop for anything by price but to look for and get to know quality. Besides, it's no one's business but yours.