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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

@Burnsite, when you wrote, "cans of beans," I first read it as "cans of BEER,' and thought, YES! Woman LOL

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I hope everyone prepared and now stays off the road. Watching it on tv it sure looks pretty but I just just the few who drive in it just don't!

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I'm all for being prepared, but if you can't drive in snow, or don't have snow tires, stay home. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I guess the good news is it is happening over the weekend. I love the pics of the Whitehouse and the ocean pics. So pretty.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

[ Edited ]

I haven't lost my, uh, mind today with our 8'' of snow so far but I did lose power 3 times. We're at 0 visibility right now.

Stay safe everyone in the storm zone !


ETA: Sorry, not 8" but 13". The # just ran across the crawl. : (

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I have never lived in an area where it snowed, at least, not on a regular basis. There has been an odd dusting of snow where I live, but that is very, very rare.


What scares the poo out of me, is driving on ice. I HATE it! Just a few weeks ago, on my way in to work at O'dark-thirty in the morning, when suddenly, I drove in to a bad down-draft, complete with strong winds and hail.


Once I got out of that, there was hail on the road, of where the cloud burst had been. Fortunately, some vehicle had already made tracks in the hail covered road.


The logical part of my brain kept saying, "Go slow. Don't touch the breaks, and stay in the tracks."


The emotional part of my brain, was saying outloud, over and over again, "Oh, sh--! Oh, sh--! Oh, sh--!"


I will be the first to admit that I do not know how to drive in ice and snow.


So, if I did hear the weather person saying that we were going to get snow amounts that hasn't been seen in decades, and to prepare for the worst, yeah, I would probably stock up too.


Call me stupid for doing so. Call all those people who stocked up stupid. But I would rather be stupid and safe, then foolish and unprepared.


But I will say this, I live in earthquake country, and you never know when an earthquake is going to hit, or how strong it's going to be.


I am prepared for the worst case scenario. I have a month's worth of emergency food, 20 gallons of water, a pimped out first aid kit. I can make splints, I have crutches, a back board, neck brace, head immobilizer, stethoscope, blood pressure machine, burn cream, emergency blankets, hammock, tent, tarp, paracord, flashlights, knives, whistle, hard hat, safety vest, two-way walkie-talkies, emergency radio, solar shower, portable toilet, soap, shampoo, cookware, utensils, plates, just to name a few things.


Laugh at me all you want. Call me stupid for preparing for the worst. Yes, I may be "over prepared", and may never use it, but I'd rather be over prepared, and never use it, than to have a devastating earthquake, need it, and not have it.


And guess who's going to be coming to me? Those who didn't prepare.


So, just maybe all those people who cleaned out the stores are the same way. They are over preparing, because they would rather to have it, and not use it, than to need it and not have it.


So the truly stupid ones are those who are laughing and making fun of those who are preparing for the worst, and poo-pooing people reacting to "a few snowflakes".


It's best to keep Aesop's story of the grasshopper and the ant in mind.


There's a lesson there.


It's best to heed it.


To do otherwise is foolish.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Having been through a few devastating storms that caused power outages for 1-2 weeks, I can't blame people for wanting to prepare.  I especially appreciate the news repeatedly warning folks to stay off the roads not only for their own safety, but also so the snow crews can do their job safely.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Howdy, Westside Neighbor🤓I'm in Spokane. We're pretty good snow troopers, although, this is the first year, in several years, we've had much. Snow, or snow that stayed around. 


It's pretty much melted, and I'm fine with that😉


Our big deal this year was Windstorm. It was so much worse than expected.  

The damage was incredible. I was without power for 10 days and no TV or Internet, for over two weeks! 


In terms of natural disasters, we really are Very Lucky, in the Northwest, compared to so many other areas! 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

So far 10 people have lost their lives.

So very sad.
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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

How do people stock up on their RX medications?  I need to use a mail order company.  I get a 90-day supply but cannot refill a prescription until I only have a 10-14 day supply left.