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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

@Noel7 wrote:

@Snicks1 wrote:
If the media wasn't harping on this storm non stop, and many people died due to not being aware, then what an outcry everyone would be making about the media then, also. It's a no-win situation, imo.




I agree, and then there are those of us living elsewhere who are concerned about friends and relatives in the path.  We are in that group.

That is the group I am in also. I wish the best for your friends and relatives, as well as for everyone in the path of this storm.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

[ Edited ]

If cars and people will stay off the roads., snowplows and salt trucks can do their job without running into interference from moving, wrecked or abandoned vehicles. The roads can be kept clearer throughout a storm for essential and emergency travel, and people will find the roads more easily traveled when the weather clears


.It is unnerving to be traveling on a major road such as the Capital Beltway and suddenly your lane ends because a huge pile of snow is blocking part of the lane.  It's there because a plow couldn't get to it to remove it.........some broken-down car was probably in its way.



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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Driving in ice is different than driving in snow and harder to keep roads cleared.

Employees and families of those who are trying to get to work and back on icy roads is a cause for concern, especially as all govt, state ,city and county offices are closed.

So the appeal of people to stay off the roads-I'm sure most people are! Its the ones who are told to come to work.


And as for grocery store runs, if you lose power, you will be glad you got "carried away." If you can't get out for a week due to power lines down with heavy ice or road crews not being able to keep up, you will be glad you took it seriously.I have been in an area and in my home without power for 5 days.


I wonder if a lot of the people who are exclaiming over "people going crazy", are sitting at home in their warm homes watching tv or on the computer rather than trying to get home from work or without power!


I urge those who must work at some non essential job, to tell their employer they do not feel safe, if they are told to come in. That wording could change the employer's mind about putting their employees at risk.


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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

[ Edited ]

@Snicks1 wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@Snicks1 wrote:
If the media wasn't harping on this storm non stop, and many people died due to not being aware, then what an outcry everyone would be making about the media then, also. It's a no-win situation, imo.




I agree, and then there are those of us living elsewhere who are concerned about friends and relatives in the path.  We are in that group.

That is the group I am in also. I wish the best for your friends and relatives, as well as for everyone in the path of this storm.





Thank you, snicks, and I wish the best for your friends and relatives.  We have a senior citizen family member there with a chronic illness.  He lives alone and is in the heart of the target area.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Even here in Fl. the media people stir everyone up if the nighttime temps might drop to 32.  It is non stop talk about the temp.  Then what happens is we have what looks like a "dryer explosion."  Folks cover every plant in their yard with all sorts of cloth so the plants survive.  


I hope all all of you in the path of the storm stay warm, enjoy your quiet weekend, and stay safe.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

You are right. This has always happened! I used to work at a supermarket and whether its 2 inches or 2 feet they are predicting people swarm to the stores and buy everything in sight. YES its good for business but dont people have food on hand at all times? (We have food to last for weekks in our home).


And FYI when those shelves become empty the milk, bread, egg etc vendors are called to re-stock! So everyone is making them drive in bad weather so everyone can eat while theyre snowed in.


I used to see people come to the store i worked at in snow mobiles, sleds, you name it. We only closed one time in all the years I worked there and that was during the 36 inch snow storm in 96.


Also- I just read through a facebook friend that they observed 2 people were arguing over gas pumps in our county because the snow has now begun!


Its unbeleivable!



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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I understand prepare for the worst. hope for the best, but you don't need to scare the heck out of people. Also as much technology as the meteorologists have they can't be certain how much snow we will really get. They just like to cover themselves. I just know my local news will be covering the storm non-stop all day, no regular programing. I made it through the Sandy Storm which was the worst weather related experience I ever had, I hope this won't be worse.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

[ Edited ]

I'm not in the path of this bad storm and hope that everyone stays safe and is careful!  Generators (starting them up and where you put them) kill more people than storms in S FL.  Trying to fix things leads to accidents with chain saws and falls off roofs.  Be prepared for a storm but even more importantly, be careful _after_ a storm.  Down here, more casualties happen after than during a bad hurricane.


I am a veteran of a dozen FL hurricanes, two of them catastrophic in my town.  And. . .I would agree that people stock up too much. When a hurricane is two days away and you have the clean city water, fill up a tub and buy just a bit of extra water.


I see people with pallets of water coming out of Costco.  At this pre-storm point, people already have water. 


People also buy out canned goods--those we need for a week maximum.  Not four shopping carts full.  I hope those cans get donated to the food banks and they probably do much of the time, but people who work and get into the store late?  They don't get what they need for a day or two if others have stocked up for a month. 


People down here in SE FL do overbuy.


Folks _should_ focus on gas (with a long power outage, the pumps don't pump and where I live, the deliveries stop).  They should store faucet water in containers, not buy it all at the store (some drinking water, sure).  Water to rinse out clothing, use tub water.


People do not need alcohol in a storm.  They need their wits about them.


They need flashlights, flameless candles (a blessing in a long power outage).


Rags and blankets to stop water from entering the house, with hurricanes or floods. 


Pet food!  Baby food!  Refills of prescription meds if they are within two weeks of being refilled.  Those things are important.


Cans of beans. . .you need a few for emergencies, not a shopping cart full. 


I always buy produce and fruit before a storm, because shipments stop and that's what I crave.  Some does spoil and gets thrown away.  But I have all I can use, because everyone else is buying canned cheese and beans and soup in that aisle. 


And they overbuy water, if the water supply is still good where they live.  Fill tubs, sinks, etc.  If you have little ones, that might be a problem, but no one needs 100 gallons of water unless they are running a storm shelter.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Seeing these people trying to drive gives me an ulcer. 



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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

We have our share of panic buttons here in SE Louisiana also, but ours come in the form of hurricnes, i.e. Katrina.  And there are certain things one must do to prepare.  Very important to be sure you have a good supply of all the meds your family needs.  Any baby items and foods are necessary. Prepare for your pets - food, water, etc.  Canned foods that can be eaten without the need of cooking, milk (you can keep this cold in the snow), bread, canned things for sandwiches, llike tuna, vienna sausages - things that don't need refrigeration. Toilet paper's a must.  Just think about the things you need every day times seven, assuming a long wait for power and transportation.

The main thing to remember - don't panic and don't overdo it.