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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Yeah, it's crazy.  There used to be a time when they would start talking about the snow ONCE IT ACTUALLY SNOWED or maybe a day or two ahead of time.  Geez, I've been "warned" about this upcoming storm for about a week and a half now!  

And, yes, they are asking people to stay off the roads and for businesses to close early and who knows what else -- and we haven't even had one snowflake yet.

I remember last year when they kept having school closings with just the anticipation of snow.  That was a new one for me.  Used to be we had to have a couple of inches for school closings.  

And, like another poster said, it's not as if we aren't used to snow.  It's Philadelphia.  It's winter.  It snows. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I like the out of towners who drive 1.4 mph when they see one teenty-tiny snowflake. 😩
It's winter, snow happens. Some days worse than others.
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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

I'm guessing that the grocery retailers are glad that "people are losing their minds" but not their appetites. 


In my area it sometimes becomes a good reason for a comfort food fest. Mac and Cheese never sounds better than in the middle of a blizzard!

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

@sktchy wrote:

Last year our Trader Joe's - which is within walking distance was unable to get deliveries due to snow covered/icy highways or the loading dock being unaccessable.  The cupboards and freezes where bare ! It was hard for people who relied on that store for groceries.  After that experience I know some of my neighbors stocked up during the week.

Yes, last month our grocery stores didn't get deliveries for over a week because of the snow. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I am Canadian and we rarely shut down due to snow.I was expected at work even when the road was closed that connected to my part of town.I walked three miles down to the open area and was picked up by a police car and driven close to husband can drive under any road conditions and usually crammed as many people as he could into his vehicle for the trip home after work.I Am not saying everyone should be out but if you are used to those conditions and have four wheele drive it is doable.I always thought it was kind of an adventure and have a little snow envy right now.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Being without power, if that happens, is what would bother me.  The snow doesn't bother me at all.  I'm from Ohio.


A few years back, we had an ice storm. The ice was so heavy in some places, it pulled down power lines and knocked down trees, which then took down power lines.  Luckily, we weren't affected but one of my bosses was without power for nearly a week.      

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Anyone remember Massachusetts last winter?  Being used to snow and being prepared and equipped for snow didn't do a whole lot of good.  The final snow pile wasn't gone until summer.


Many of the areas being hit are not used to a lot a snow and many don't have the equipment to handle it.  I live in western NC but my area only averages 6-8 inches of snow for the entire winter.  We are expecting 8-12 inches from this storm.  SC gets even less snow and has less equipment.  There is reason for concern.


This storm may be laughable for those in Chicago or other northern areas but for the south and the coast it is a serious event. 


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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I would much rather see people take the storm warnings seriously and get prepared, than to find themselves in dire need of assistance during the height of the storm.   That is exactly what happened in my local area during the blizzard of 1993.   


I was working 11-7 the night that storm hit.  At 2 a.m., Security told me it was starting to snow, and at 7 a.m., the snow was almost to my knees.   


Our 911 center received thousands of calls for assistance from unprepared people.  Everything from no food, no formula or diapers for babies, no pet food, no kerosene for heaters, no insulin, no heart meds, etc.   Our police officers, as well as National Guard, responded to as many of these emergency calls as they could; delivering groceries, medications, and kerosene, but also evacuated families to shelters.   There were emergency calls that required state road to scrape the road, followed by a National Guard transport truck, followed by a 4 wheel drive ambulance.   


It was a nightmare situation for many people, but also a huge learning experience.   This county went into full alert mode with emergency management services, and dealt with the biggest challenge they had ever had to that date.  The departments met afterward to critique their response, and the information they released to the public was astonishing.  It really showed all too clearly just how many people were not prepared, and have the casual attitude they can simply run out anytime to get food, formula, diapers, etc.  


Based on what I see, and hear, the people in this area of southern WV, now take these warnings very seriously.  Our TV reporters do a fantastic job of alerting viewers to storm systems.   Obviously some residents of this county did learn.  When I hear that stores here are packed, and some shelves are bare, I am just thankful people are trying to take care of their needs in advance.  

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Better safe than sorry, imo.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

@Marp wrote:

Anyone remember Massachusetts last winter?  Being used to snow and being prepared and equipped for snow didn't do a whole lot of good.  The final snow pile wasn't gone until summer.


Many of the areas being hit are not used to a lot a snow and many don't have the equipment to handle it.  I live in western NC but my area only averages 6-8 inches of snow for the entire winter.  We are expecting 8-12 inches from this storm.  SC gets even less snow and has less equipment.  There is reason for concern.


This storm may be laughable for those in Chicago or other northern areas but for the south and the coast it is a serious event. 


This is precisely the issue.  Places that are "used" to getting tons of snow also have the equipment to deal with it and so people living there haven't had to really deal with the situation that folks in areas not used to getting this snow are going to have to deal with.


Places that don't normally get large amounts of snow, don't have that equipment and it wouldn't make sense for them to acquire it for a once in a while event.