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People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I know there are a couple of other threads about preparing for a storm and how much snow have you gotten. This is not that thread! I live in NYC but do most of my shopping in Nassau County. People are losing their minds over this storm. I went food shopping on Thiursday my usual day and the shelves were bare. A cashier said it was a zoo on Wednesday. I can see buying staples but they were low on everything. I got a newspaper this morning and the bagel store was crowding and so was the supermarket. Don't get me started on the parking lots and roads. I know the media hypes up the storm to scare you but I have been through this before and hopefully will survive this time too. There is nothing we can do about the storm coming we just need to calm down. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

[ Edited ]

I'm guessing that the grocery retailers are glad that "people are losing their minds" but not their appetites. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I agree.


It's all too, too much.


People get crazed over everything now, it seems...thanks to media hype, IMO.


I'd LOVE to get a day off and be able to enjoy the snow, but 2 feet in Buffalo doesn't shut down much!!!

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I don't know how big this particular storm is supposed to be but I have noticed, over the last couple of years, that it seems to go into red alert when there are just a few inches of snow predicted.


Several times I saw broadcasters standing outside somewhere, where there was hardly any snow, just freaking out that 6-8" (yeah, INCHES!) of snow was expected.  Really?


We used to get a lot of snow but there was never any freakout unless it was going to be 4-6 FEET of snow.   I just find it interesting how the perspective seems to have changed over recent years.


We used to have really long, cold winters with butt-deep snow for months.  There was never any freak out at all.  People just adjusted.   In over 35 years I've only seen everything close down.  Now, THAT was a snowstorm!  It was in the late 80s or very early 90s and it was what I would call a big snowstorm, anyway.  Smiley Happy


Anyhoo, whether or not it is actually going to be big - I sincerely hope people will be safe and sound.   One big thing is that, when there is a lot of snow and especially ice, don't be on the roads unless you hve absolutely no other choice.   Too many fools will be out there being idiots and putting others at peril.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Snowstorms can be dangerous. Many people in Western NY have died over the years in storms.


In the last few years we had storms where people died after their cars were totally covered in snow and they couldn't be found. One poor guy was just 100 feet from a building where he could have sought shelter...but he couldn't see it in the blizzard.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm


It is all so blown out of proportion. It is a snow storm. It does not need to be the first topic of the news for the past four days. People get so excited and act like crazy people. Business  loves it. Turn off the TV news, and just let the storm blow by. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

When I lived in Tennessee and if there was a remote chance of a snowflake, people went crazy buying food. As if they had NOTHING at home and they were going to be snowbound for a week. I live in Alaska now and the only problem we recently had was that a barge broke down that was coming from Seattle, so we are still waiting for some items to arrive in the grocery store. 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

If I were the officials, my main concern would be people being on the road when they shouldn't be.  It stretches their resources and makes it difficult to help the people that really need it.  Y'all just stay home and enjoy a day off! 

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

Probably better to be a little insane now in prep for a storm that may or may not cripple the city, than to be one of the crazies out on the streets, having their cars sliding into others or getting stuck if it does get that bad?  If people feel like they have sufficient provisions for a few days, then they'll probably stay home & out of the way of snow removal crews and emergency responders.

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Re: People Are Losing Their Minds Over The Snowstorm

I worked in Washington, DC for a few years and they would close offices for a couple of inches of snow.  (of course, I did not mind them closing down for the day).  I am from Chicago and I am used to lots of snow.  We could have a ton of snow in Chicago and you were still expected to show up for work or school on time.


However, in this case, two feet of snow or more can be very dangerous and I hope for the best for everyone affected by this storm.  Stay safe and well.