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Party Catered by a Food Truck

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I'm not familiar with food trucks and what is customary in private party situations, so I'm trying to find out what is meant in this party invitation. The invitation indicates "Taco Truck at 6 pm" and "Live music at 7 pm."  "RSVP required."  "We are supplying beer -- bring your beverage of choice!" 


Now does this mean the host is only providing beer and the guest buy their food from the food truck?  Or is the host providing the food catered by the food truck?  Do you buy your food and not the drink since the host specifies they are providing the beer or the guests bring their own beverage. 


Does anyone know what is intended?  I think having to pay or not pay for your plate of food should be specified.  Or is having a food truck come by a given one way or the other?  This food business is unclear or is it understood by everyone "in the know."

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

I would surely hope that if it is a private party, the hostess is paying for the taco truck.  Otherwise, why have a party LOL.  Yes, the invitation needed clarification.  

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

@qwarkster.  Around here the host pays for the food truck not the guests. But don’t know if that’s everywhere.

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

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I take it to mean that there will be a taco truck there.



If you want food from the taco truck, you'll have to pay for it.


I coud be wrong about that, though.



The hosts will supply beer.



If you do not want beer, then bring whatever it is that you do want to drink.


It is your responsibility to supply your own beverage, if you do not want to drink beer.



The easiest way to get your questions answerd, is ask the host directly.

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

If someone invites you to a party I would surely hope they are providing the food!!!  But, that invitation is not clear at all.  To me it sounds like they're providing beer, music, and the location.  Hope you get some clarity before the party.

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

That's not a party invitation.  It's an ad for a food truck. 

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

In my area you wouldn't want to eat at any of the food trucks I've seen on the side of the road.


I'd try to describe them....but I can't find the words.


I have a feeling they might be illegal in my area because there are very few of them.  The one or two I've seen look soooo bad...



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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

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If it were me I would call the person who invited me, and say something like, “I’ve never been to a party with a food truck....should I bring cash or will they take my credit card?” Then if the host IS paying they will tell you!


additional note:  My city is a big tourist town.  Each Friday night in the summer they have a food truck event in a plaza.....many different trucks gather and tents, tables and chairs are set up for customers.  It’s very popular....I haven’t gone yet, but the local news has done segments on it and the trucks they have shown are very clean and the food looks great!

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

Food trucks in my area are very, very good.

They come to my office often.

The food is fantastic and several have won awards.


The invitation to the taco truck party is kind of vague. I would take money just in case.

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Re: Party Catered by a Food Truck

@qwarkster ...take money, just in case!