Valued Contributor
Posts: 881
Registered: ‎04-25-2011

Hi BouvierLady....

I just saw your post asking me about the cream I'm using for my itchy, sore incision. It's called "Lotrisone" (that's the brand name, but there is a generic) and yes, it is a prescription. I tried using an over-the-counter hydrocortizone cream (per the doctor's advice), but it did nothing--so I decided to use the "big guns"--Lotrisone has a steriod in it, as well as an anti-fungal. It's been recommended to my husband when he had a rash from poison ivy--my gyno told me to use it when I had a bad yeast infection--to take the swelling down.

I used the Lotrisone for five days--twice a day--and kept a surgical (gauze) dressing over the incision. FINALLY--the itchiness stopped--the soreness went away--and no more bumpy rash on the end of the incision! I stopped using it two days ago and I also stopped covering the incision--and it feels fine (and looks good, too).

I see my surgeon this Monday---hopefully all is OK and I won't have to see him until March (every 3 months for the first year after uterine cancer surgery). Oh joy.

Hope you see this post and that you are able to get the cream through your doctor--it is terrific stuff!!

God Bless and I hope you feel better soon!