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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

Seat poachers on airplanes. If your boarding pass says 34F, you sit in 34F. You don't decide to take 2B because it looks better to you. 


People who presume to speak for others. Don't say "we" when the reality is "me". 


People who give unsolicited advice. Don't. Just don't.


And my personal biggie right now - people who think it's perfectly okay to ask for a person's cause of death. It's not. Nor is it okay to ask if someone had been ill. If you're close enough to the deceased or their family, you'll know. Otherwise, it's none of your business. Express your condolences and leave it at that. 


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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@DrakesMomma wrote:

Top of my list 


People that don't use "please" and "thank you".


People that are mean to our children. 


People that are disrespectful to our elderly.  


And, by our I mean our collective children and elderly.  

@DrakesMomma Welcome!🥰 Those who do not extend common courtesy with ill manners REALLY grind my gears!😊 Anyone that is mean or disrespectful to innocent children or the elderly need to meet me when I wake FIRST thing in the morning without my first cup of joe!😁 It truly BREAKS my heart when I think of anyone that can be so cruel, but sadly the world is full of such heartless people!🙁


THANK you SO much for caring to share this morning!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

Coming home from work and the sign says "no left turn' and one car holds a line back to make a left.


People that won't turn their headlights on.


Too lazy to use a turn signal.











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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@I am still oxox wrote:

Loud cell phone users in a store or restaurant

@I am still oxox wrote:

Loud cell phone users in a store or restaurant



I agree. My post office has a sign up that says. “Step to the side if you are on a personal call, so the next customer can be helped. Thank you”


They should have signs like that in every store. I can’t tell you how many times people are talking and either stop putting their stuff on the belt, or they are so slow because they are too busy on their phone.


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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@Dusty1 Welcome!🥰 Awwwwww! I can certainly understand your frustration!!! NO ONE wants to look at an eyesore, and to have to do so regularly, would REALLY grind my gears! I am sorry you have to endure such INCONSIDERATE neighbors!😔


THANK you SO much for caring to share this morning!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖



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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@jlkz wrote:

Loud talkers in a store or restaurant.


Folks who ignore youngsters in a restaurant t and let the toddlers let out shrieks that really hurt the ears of others.


Workers who seat elderly adults at the smallest table in the diner / restaurant when a lot of tables are obviously empty.  I got to the point that I said were grown ups and want a spacious table among all the empty ones.  Usually it's a young person.


Wait staff that walk around with a full pot coffee and are oblivious that you are trying to get a refill.  ( next time I may just get out the little whistle I carry! )


Men or women that come to church after putting on too much scent.  Sometimes there just isn't another place to move to.  One Sunday I had a large tissue / napkin held to my nose so I could breathe !


Speaking of church:  folks who bring youngsters who want to run about and scream / cry and refuse to use the Crying Room provided so others could concentrate or meditate during the service.


Living with a 4-lane road in front of home: at rush hour some oncoming driving tries to be courteous and stops in his lane to left me turn left into my driveway.  I direct him to keep on driving ( even putting my hand out the window ! )


          What he doesn't see is that there is a speeding car         coming up in the lane to his right.  Were I to make my turn, I would be t-boned by the car he doesn't see.


Telephone menus:  Companies just don't want to talk with their customers to solve problems.  AI isn't going to help with this issue: they need more staff and they need to ensure that their language skills work in this country.

@jlkz Welcome!🥰 WOW! I WHOLEHEARTEDLY concur with your IMPRESSIVE list of pet peeves!!!😁 No one wants church service interrupted that way if it does not have to be!👍


THANK you SO much for caring to share this morning!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖



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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

Gum chewing. Gum should never have been invented. I literally can't be near a person chewing gum. I can't even bear to watch someone on TV chewing gum. I ask anyone chewing gum at work who is talking to me to spit it out. They do. People look like cows chewing gum and the gum-chewing noise? Horrible! Gum chewing is incredibly disrespectful to others. If one MUST chew gum, they should do it alone. 

@Goldengate8361 Welcome!🥰 That is an interesting pet peeve.😁 I can certainly understand if it grinds your gears, and will NOT chew gum if we ever meet!😊


THANK you SO much for caring to share your this morning!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@TheWanderingOne wrote:

Seat poachers on airplanes. If your boarding pass says 34F, you sit in 34F. You don't decide to take 2B because it looks better to you. 


People who presume to speak for others. Don't say "we" when the reality is "me". 


People who give unsolicited advice. Don't. Just don't.


And my personal biggie right now - people who think it's perfectly okay to ask for a person's cause of death. It's not. Nor is it okay to ask if someone had been ill. If you're close enough to the deceased or their family, you'll know. Otherwise, it's none of your business. Express your condolences and leave it at that. 


@TheWanderingOne Welcome!🥰 Thank GOODNESS for flight attendants who will kindly redirect them!😁 They will not allow saver seat passengers to fly first class, but I too, have seen people ATTEMPT to switch to more preferable seats and then have to return to their seat with egg on their face!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share this morning!!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖



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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@KBEANS wrote:

When I'm at a checkout and the cashier rubs their nose or wipes their mouth etc.  and then tries to continue the transaction liked it didn't happen.EEEW! 




shawn nose wipe 040 032224 little giant





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Re: PERSONAL Pet Peeves ...What Are Some Of Yours?🥰

@ECBG wrote:

Coming home from work and the sign says "no left turn' and one car holds a line back to make a left.


People that won't turn their headlights on.


Too lazy to use a turn signal.











@ECBG Welcome!🥰 People who will not turn their headlights on are SO inconsiderate and DANGEROUS!😐 I was terrified once on a country road and WILL never forget it because it was SOOOOO dark, and I did not know which way to swerve!



THANK you SO much for caring to share this morning!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖