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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

The satellite companies should pick up their old equipment for free as this would prevent this type of dumping. 

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

[ Edited ]

@MamaWick   I feel this trash pain too. We have a young couple who bought the house next door who do the same thing at times. They do stuff in their house what seems to be at night, take the trash & junk out in the dark. We find their c*ap next to the dumpster, leaning against it or they totally clog it up with lots of cardboard boxes instead of breaking them down to put in their recycle bin. Drives me insane!!!  We all in the city have recycle bins but they seem to not care about recycling. 


The trash collectors then come around once a week to empty the trash dumpster, mind you it's a one-driver truck, they do not get out. The dumpster then lands on top of the c*ap that was leaning, now it's underneath the dumpster. 


Man created garbage cans, dumpsters and the like to put trash INSIDE. What is wrong with people, humans who just do not seem to understand this concept.

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

[ Edited ]



I know you are in the country, and letting the builders deal with it, here in the city we can call 311, its illegal can range from a person being charged a misdemeanor to a felony..... I just cant believe these inconsiderate SLOBS!!!  

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

I think that you should sit outside with phone in hand, and yell every time someone does something, and have 9-1-1 on speed dial, so that the cops will know instantly when it happens.


Post on the Nextdoor app when it happens, every time that it happens, with pictures. Become the Mrs. Kravitz of the neighborhood.


Tell all of your neighbors.

Really, @Anonymous032819????



Yes, seriously!



She should do everything in her power to publicly shame them!


Oh! She should also contact her local media and get a news crew out to cover the story!



Glad to hear that, @Anonymous032819, I thought your post was sarcastic. My apologies.

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

Obviously you don't know rules and laws! The 911 system is for EMERGENCIES only! This is NOT an emergency! By doing this yourself or encouraging others to, you are opening yourself and others up to legal charges if used in this manner! It's called abuse of the 911 system and people get arrested/ticketed for it ALL the time because they call it for stupid stuff that's not an emergency! 

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

@Jillybean522 wrote:

Obviously you don't know rules and laws! The 911 system is for EMERGENCIES only! This is NOT an emergency! By doing this yourself or encouraging others to, you are opening yourself and others up to legal charges if used in this manner! It's called abuse of the 911 system and people get arrested/ticketed for it ALL the time because they call it for stupid stuff that's not an emergency! 

Very good point, @Jillybean522

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

You know everyone would want to yell at anyone dumping AND

everyone would want you to take a picture of car/people





there comes a price with this now these days.  People are armed, people retaliate and there is nothing good that will come of you.


I can just imagine that's it is frustrating but if it's not on your property you can't do a darn thing about it other than report it to the land owner or authorities and leave it be.


I wouldn't even make my presence known that you are watching.


But that's just me.

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

@Jillybean522  in the future, you may want to tag the person you are talking to with @ and their board name (like I did with you on this post).  It took me a minute to go back and see that you weren't talking to me about 9-1-1 abuse.  

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

Many cites/counties now use 911 for non emergencies also.  Ours is one of them.  So when you call 911 for a non emergency it may not be illegal.   Most often it is the only way to get in touch with law enforcement.  I have used it for non emergencies and never gotten into any trouble.   

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Re: PART 3 of illegal dumping

We have dumpster here, it's for condo residents only.  There are also recycling bins.  When we moved here, we all had keys to get into the enclosure but people would lose their keys and request replacements.  Some people would get distracted and leave the key in the lock and walk away.  So management took the lock off.  After that people in neighboring homes started driving up and disposing of their trash and recyclables.  For residents only signs meant nothing to them.  So, they fill up the dumpsters and they overflow and then residents and non residents have no choice but to put our trash beside the dumpsters.  Weekdays maintenance cleans it all up and dumpsters are emptied daily. Weekends and holidays it becomes a stinking nasty mess!  Wouldn't be a problem if it was just residents using the dumpsters.  One elderly lady started writing down license plate numbers but management said they couldn't do anything.  They tow people who park on our grounds but the trash people dump and go.  A bunch of us requested another enclosed dumpster to deal with the over flow on weekends but that fell on deaf ears.  And we live near the ocean so all that trash attracts flocks of sea gulls.