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@Spurt wrote:

@software wrote:

@KathyPet wrote:

There is something seriously wrong with a society that considers it acceptable to pay someone $170 million dollars over 4 years to throw a basketball through a hoop and then have the team that is involved Post glowing press releases about it like this is,something to be proud of. I am glad I am old and probably will not live long enough to see the downfall of a country that considers this sort of obscenity to be normal.  

If you are referring to Steph Curry at least he won't blow it on hookers or up his nose.   They are a wonderful family, well grounded.  



Your right SOFTWARE not all athletes throw their money away on drugs, hookers, or foolish materialistic things, so many give to communities, charities or have their own foundations that help people. The "bad apples" make up such a small percentage, but unfortunately they get all  the publicity.................

@Spurt, I take issue with your use of the term "bad apples."  What would be bad about an athlete using his money for what he wants?  Doesn't matter what that something is either.  No one is required to do a thing and we should just be grateful when they do.  If they don't and choose to buy drugs; spend it on hooker how is that our business to label them?

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@Spurt wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@KathyPet @ULY


.What I find interesting is that the sports people are always spotlighted, however, little is said about actors and singers that make tons of money also, let's diss them just to be fair...........


  • Amitabh Bachchan – Net Worth: USD420 million. ...
  • Tom Cruise – Net worth: USD 480 million. ...
  • Tyler Perry – Net worth: $650 million. ...
  • Shah Rukh Khan – Net worth: USD650 million. ...
  • Jerry Seinfeld – Net worth: USD 820 million.
  • Madonna -800 Million.  Net worth USD 800 million
  • Mel Gibson $425 Million


  • Jack Nicholson $400 Million
  • Sylvester Stallon $400 Million
  • Mariah Carey $510 Million
  • Jay Z $560 Million
  • Bono $600 Million
  • Celine Dion $630 Million
  • P. Didy $700 Million
  • Dr. Dre $780 Million
  • Sir Paul McCartney 1.1 BILLION

@Spurt As of June 2017 Jay Z's networth is $810MM.  He follows Sean Combs "Diddy" $820MM.



Thanks for the update. My figures were on the low side (as of 2016) they made that much money in that little time ---WOW!!!

@Spurt yes much of their wealth is based on investments and diversification.  Those two media moguls/rappers know what they're doing.  Another heavy hitter from that genre of the entertainment world is Master P, but he doesn't seem to be making as much anymore.  Dr. Dre, of course got his through the sale of Beats by Dr. Dre to Apple.



They are smart with their money. Yep, Dr. Dre and he sold his "Beats" right here on QVC.....


Sadly some of the athletes end up broke either spending their money foolishly, or they find out too late their financial investor was a crook  (Tim Duncan took his guy to court and recently won a judgement and the guy got thrown in jail--but he lost millions- Tim realizes the guy will never be able to pay him back, but he wanted to send a message to the crooks (and warn other athletes) to be careful who they chose to handle their money...

@Spurt well so do many investment bankers (Bernie Madoff) comes to mind.  Quite frankly, it's not as many as you think either.  Of course,there have been some but so what if they do?  It's not our business to dictate what a person does with his own money that they earned.  Lots and lots of people from all professions can lose their money for bad decision making.  Not just athletes.

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@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

It's called CAPITALISM.


Smiley Happy


And I'm going to say this with the most friendly feelings possible:


If you think that's what going to be the downfall of our society, you aren't paying attention.

Smiley Happy


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This post has been removed by QVC because it is baiting.

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@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@software wrote:

@KathyPet wrote:

There is something seriously wrong with a society that considers it acceptable to pay someone $170 million dollars over 4 years to throw a basketball through a hoop and then have the team that is involved Post glowing press releases about it like this is,something to be proud of. I am glad I am old and probably will not live long enough to see the downfall of a country that considers this sort of obscenity to be normal.  

If you are referring to Steph Curry at least he won't blow it on hookers or up his nose.   They are a wonderful family, well grounded.  



Your right SOFTWARE not all athletes throw their money away on drugs, hookers, or foolish materialistic things, so many give to communities, charities or have their own foundations that help people. The "bad apples" make up such a small percentage, but unfortunately they get all  the publicity.................

@Spurt, I take issue with your use of the term "bad apples."  What would be bad about an athlete using his money for what he wants?  Doesn't matter what that something is either.  No one is required to do a thing and we should just be grateful when they do.  If they don't and choose to buy drugs; spend it on hooker how is that our business to label them?

@itiswhatitis  By bad apples I was referring to those that are drug addicts, those that assault women, involved in criminal activitiy, those that drink and drive and have been involved in accidents injuring others........these actions do iimpact other people and many times innocent members of our society---and they participate in activities that break the law.  

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@twins mom wrote:
Itiswhatitis: so true that states beg for sports teams because of revenue they provide. But those sports teams can likewise injure those areas when they go back on promises and leave. When stadiums are owned and built by cities, tax revenue is not coming in on property and paying off debt is hard when team gone.

@Twins Mom since State dollars are usually involved in those incentives to build arenas and other entertainment complexes ~ you best believe someone has to pay property tax.  Guess where those taxes go?  The municipalities in which these venues rest.


If for whatever reason a team still decides to leave (typically an agreement is put in place that ensures a team stays for X amount of time) based on their contractual agreement. The complex doesn't sit for naught.  Many of these complexes are rented out and used otherwise for other purposes......



*Call Tyrone*
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@Spurt wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@software wrote:

@KathyPet wrote:

There is something seriously wrong with a society that considers it acceptable to pay someone $170 million dollars over 4 years to throw a basketball through a hoop and then have the team that is involved Post glowing press releases about it like this is,something to be proud of. I am glad I am old and probably will not live long enough to see the downfall of a country that considers this sort of obscenity to be normal.  

If you are referring to Steph Curry at least he won't blow it on hookers or up his nose.   They are a wonderful family, well grounded.  



Your right SOFTWARE not all athletes throw their money away on drugs, hookers, or foolish materialistic things, so many give to communities, charities or have their own foundations that help people. The "bad apples" make up such a small percentage, but unfortunately they get all  the publicity.................

@Spurt, I take issue with your use of the term "bad apples."  What would be bad about an athlete using his money for what he wants?  Doesn't matter what that something is either.  No one is required to do a thing and we should just be grateful when they do.  If they don't and choose to buy drugs; spend it on hooker how is that our business to label them?

@itiswhatitis  By bad apples I was referring to those that are drug addicts, those that assault women, involved in criminal activitiy, those that drink and drive and have been involved in accidents injuring others........these actions do iimpact other people and many times innocent members of our society---and they participate in activities that break the law.  

Well, the problem I see with this thinking is that because they have money they are supposed to act differently than any other person.  In other words, they can't succumb to human problems because they're rich and therefore, it shouldn't be (for them).  These athletes are part of the general population in our country.


Of course, no one should break the law.  Of course, familial issues should be dealt with in accordance with the way the two individuals involved want it to be.


They're not different because they commit a crime; have family troubles or are drug abusers.  Those very problems are what make the human just like you and me.  That's all I'm trying to say.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@blackhole99 wrote:

The society is twisted! These guys are just genetically gifted giants who play a game. Defending and glorifying these people and justifying their rewards for playing a game, well I think it's a crying shame. Again it never ceases to amaze me how some people will always defend the rich under the guise that the rich deserve it because they work so hard.


When we are all given the same advantages from the cradle,


I'll go along with that thinking.





Maybe I missed something here ..... your comment about "defending the rich" seems a little bizarre.   


Do you honestly think that most rich people got their money by sitting on their but t   and someone else just came along and handed them a lot of money?     


What exactly is wrong with people working hard to get to the top of their field and enjoying the rewards that come with that?   They paid their dues, and I don't see why you would begrudge them.  


As for "we are given the same advantages from the cradle" is just not true.    Some people are born with special talents .....   or an enjoyment of the game .....  or a strong will to overcome odds and succeed.    


You could be born with a talent for playing the piano (for example) but if you don't bother to develop that talent, why would anyone want to hear you play?    You haven't accomplished anything, and there's no reason anyone would want to hear you play.   


It really doesn't matter what you're born with ..... it's what you do with it that counts.

@Tinkrbl44, you misquoted @blackhole99. She didn't say that "We are given the same advantages from the cradle."


She said, "When we are all given the same advantages from the cradle, I'll go with that thinking" -- referring to the idea that wealthy people necessarily get rich because they work so hard, an assumption that she thinks ignores many other factors (if I may speak for her.)


On this narrow point, I very much agree with her. Yes, of course, there are the amazing stories of how some person who had all the odds against him made to the top. But far more often, it is a combination of luck and environment.


To suggest that it's just a matter of how hard work ignores so many other factors and essentially demeans those who are poor.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:




Who is Tyrone ?

Ask Eryka Badu @Tinkrbl44

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