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Our one cat passed away today. She was 14 years old. We had her 10 years. We had found her in a snow storm. We tried to find her owners (back then) to no avail, so we kept her.


My husband and I are very sad. I have been crying all night sitting here because while DH is in bed she sat near me, and while I watched tv she sat with me.


She was a feisty cat at times, that chased our other 2 cats. And we couldn't touch her on her back or stomach, she just did not like it. But you could pet her head and she laid beside us purring. My husband is the only one who could pick her up without her causing a fuss. And yes she didn't like to go to the vet but we took her yearly for check ups and the vet was kind and understanding even though she scratched him.


And she would follow DH and I all the time and would come to us for treats and look at us like well are you going to give me some treats? So cute.


And we loved her even though she had her set ways and boundaries.


Its been a tough day for DH and I, and for our other 2 cats who look sad tonight too. We will miss her forever. And I know my kids and grandkids are going to miss her when they come. She always made them smile and laugh. We all loved her.


We hope and pray there is a rainbow bridge and that she crossed over it and is running and playing with the other animals.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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@Shorty2U   Shorty,  I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty,  quirks and all.   One of the saddest aspects of our lives on earth is saying,  "goodbye"  to our beloved pets. My heart goes out to you.   Just keep the image of her frolicking at the Rainbow Bridge in your heart.  

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Shorty, so very sorry for your loss. Hugs. 

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Re: Our cat passed away

[ Edited ]




It is always so hard to lose one our furry family members, especially those that have been with us for many years. It leaves an empty spot in our homes and our hearts.


We said goodbye to 3 of our oldest felines in a period of only 6 weeks. They were 18/16 and 15 years old and all we brought in from right outside 2 of our different homes. Less than 2 years ago we had 13, all Indoor Only, we now have only 7.


Our oldest boy just plain died while eating in our home. The others we had to make THE decision to let them cross over The Bridge.


We are very sorry for your loss and our feline/canine family send our thoughts to you and your family.




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I am very sorry to learn of your loss.  I have a kitty who also was found in a snowstorm with a feisty personality, so I definitely can relate to your description.  These special kitties really touch a special place in our hearts.  And they do love their "purrsons."  I hope your memories of your sweet kitty eventually will make you smile again.  But for now, codolences from me and Hunter (my feisty kitty).

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Registered: ‎06-29-2010

@Shorty2U So sorry for your loss.  I feel your heartache.  We too have rescues - 3.  My husband and I have talked about the time when.......... and it's hard to imagine our lives without our dear family members.  I am sure your lives were greatly enriched by having your cat around.  I am sure you will cherish your memories. 

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Oh, Shorty.  I am so very sorry for your loss of your beloved kitty.   She sounds like a wonderful quirky girl who loved you unconditionally.  I loved hearing about how she would sit with you and keep you company while you watched TV.   Bless you for giving her such a good loving home.  All the best.

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From my heart to yours, hugs.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

@Shorty2U Sorry your cat died, I'm sure she appreciated her good and loving home with you and your family. We have had many cats grace us with their presence over the years, mostly rescues and they have all been unique and well loved. I think animals understand and feel alot more than we think. I know I never feel alone as long as I have my cat Moe by my side.

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Adding my sympathies.  How lucky for your little kitty, that she was rescued by a kind and caring family.  You gave her a good life, I'm sure.  Cats can surely have a lot of personality and endear themselves to us even when it's on their terms.  I'm sorry for your loss.