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Registered: ‎03-07-2013

I see where QVC has changed the Order Status format.  It doesn't show your easy pay broken down per month anymore.  I liked the old format. Unless I'm missing something. Oh well.  

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Go to "Order Status".  Click on "Easy Pay".  Click on "View by Month".  There you will see all of your easy pay orders by month.  Hope this helps!

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@katte Monthly EZ pays are viewed as they always have.

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@katte   @Ann52  is correct.  Information for Easy Pay is found now just as she describes.


I think it is more difficult to read, though, since it is spread across so much of the page with so much white space in those large blocks in the new format.


The more "ledger like" style of the old format was easier to take in at a glance.  


I'm sure if you went to print it out now it would take many more pages to do so.  (I don't have a printer so I'll just make some notes for myself if need be, though.)

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Registered: ‎03-07-2013

To Everyone



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Posts: 31,210
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Nothing has changed for me, it's exactly  the same as it always was.