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Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

Gellergirl, I could not disagree more with your post.  American tests scores are not low because public schools are not doing their jobs.  Test scores today are low in our country today because of the disappearance of responsible, mature parents in our society.  Gone are the days of responsible adults deciding to bring a child into the world because they are ready both financially and emotionally to love a child, care for every need of that child, teach that child and mold that child into a responsible adult.   


In my school district, I do not know of a single teacher like the ones you have described.  I see teachers who work harder than anyone imagines to teach children who begin school with absolutely no life skills because of the neglect in their homes.  Why have many teachers stopped giving homework?  Because in most homes today, the word homework is never mentioned.  There is not a single adult who sits down with the child and makes sure that the homework is done.  Skills need to be both taught and practiced during school hours in order to prepare students for the rigorous state testing.  All learning must be done in school, or it is not done in most cases.  


Our budgets have been cut to the core.  In spite of not receiving even basic cost of living raises in almost a decade, teachers spend their own money for supplies since not many school districts can afford even the most basic supplies.  Oh, and by the way,  a teacher only gets paid for the days that are worked.  When they get 12 paychecks, the 10 are stretched into 12 so that they may pay the most basic things like rent and utilities during the summer months when they are taking classes and working on curriculum for free.  Actually, they have to pay for their own classes.    Teachers I see everyday spend hours at night grading papers and planning lessons and do not get one penny for their efforts of this overtime work.  


Public schools are not failing our children.  Our society is failing our children.  It is not OK to bring a child into this world and provide less guidance and care that one would give to a pet, yet that happens to way more children than we like to admit.  Public schools are not the problem, but they sure as heck try to be the solution.  There are just not enough hours in the day for educators to meet every need of every neglected child in this country.  

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Registered: ‎02-20-2016

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

As a child in Catholic school, we would make cards called "spiritual bouquets." We would say x numbers of prayers (10 Hail Marys, 10 Our Fathers, for example) as a gift for the recipient of the card. What the cards themselves looked like was not the point.


Over the years, I donated so many prayers! However, I know I never actually said them.

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Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

@Gram W wrote:

@SaRina.   IMO kindergarten and first grade were and should be times to learn basic social skills as well as art, music, and all needed to move forward to absorb the things that are to come.  Not all children go to pre-school, or places where they learn social skills.  Not everything is taught at home as we like to think it should be.   Planning a special day requires working together, making cards (art), chosing songs to sing (music), deciding which child wants to speak.   Working as a group helps bring forth the child who is shy and hesitates to step forward.   Children (and adults) need to learn to listen, take turns and work well with others.  In our school no child got left out.  Dad's, Grandmas, Aunt's were all encouraged to come if the mother was not available.  At 5 and 6 most children just want to be kids.


At an early age they love to make friends, play, sing and draw.  All these things can be included in anything they learn.  Diversity, respect and tolerance should be learned by the example of the older people around them.  That I don't see much of out in the real world.  I hope that by starting very young to accept all others and work together toward a common project they will make a much better world than we have right now.  Young children do not judge skin color, individual abilities, differences in appearance until they learn it from those who are older.  They ask simple questions.  We should give them simple honest answers.


 Before my husband passed he lost a leg because of a bone infection.   Frequently, when mother was not looking, a child would walk up and ask questions.  What happened to your leg?  Why?  The simple answer he gave was his leg got so sick the doctor could not fix it.   The doctor removed the leg so he would not hurt any more.  Simple truth.  Mothers would apologize, show embarrassment and tell the child not to both the man.  Tell them they had been bad to ask questions.  It was not bad and the questions were not a bother.  The child's questions were answered and he understood.  No one should have been embarrassed.


As we get older we are influenced by all that is around us.  If we want change maybe we should start with ourselves and set better examples.   Live the kindness we say we want/need don't just tell others they have to change.   Take a good look at our movies, books, internet, music,  how we treat each other, etc.    Very few good examples there.

@Gram W, I'm not sure what your point is in addressing me, personally. :-)

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Registered: ‎03-02-2016

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

If this isn't the dumbest Idea, I don't know what is. If this is a real note sent home to parents. I don't believe everything I read on social media. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making a gift/card for a Mother.Grandmother, Auntie or whomever the child sees as a caring adult. Period, end of story. Misguided parents complain to the school about things like this. That is how all this stupidness gets started. I wish the schools would just say NO to their complaints. Tell them there is nothing wrong with recognizng your mother on her special day. The end.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

@Kcubed wrote:

Gellergirl, I could not disagree more with your post.  American tests scores are not low because public schools are not doing their jobs.  Test scores today are low in our country today because of the disappearance of responsible, mature parents in our society.  Gone are the days of responsible adults deciding to bring a child into the world because they are ready both financially and emotionally to love a child, care for every need of that child, teach that child and mold that child into a responsible adult.   


In my school district, I do not know of a single teacher like the ones you have described.  I see teachers who work harder than anyone imagines to teach children who begin school with absolutely no life skills because of the neglect in their homes.  Why have many teachers stopped giving homework?  Because in most homes today, the word homework is never mentioned.  There is not a single adult who sits down with the child and makes sure that the homework is done.  Skills need to be both taught and practiced during school hours in order to prepare students for the rigorous state testing.  All learning must be done in school, or it is not done in most cases.  


Our budgets have been cut to the core.  In spite of not receiving even basic cost of living raises in almost a decade, teachers spend their own money for supplies since not many school districts can afford even the most basic supplies.  Oh, and by the way,  a teacher only gets paid for the days that are worked.  When they get 12 paychecks, the 10 are stretched into 12 so that they may pay the most basic things like rent and utilities during the summer months when they are taking classes and working on curriculum for free.  Actually, they have to pay for their own classes.    Teachers I see everyday spend hours at night grading papers and planning lessons and do not get one penny for their efforts of this overtime work.  


Public schools are not failing our children.  Our society is failing our children.  It is not OK to bring a child into this world and provide less guidance and care that one would give to a pet, yet that happens to way more children than we like to admit.  Public schools are not the problem, but they sure as heck try to be the solution.  There are just not enough hours in the day for educators to meet every need of every neglected child in this country.  

You have expressed what educators face daily far better than I could and for that, I thank you so much! @Kcubed

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Posts: 2,042
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

Mother's Day and Father's Day is important to discuss at school because it teaches the importance of our parents.  We always discuss what our parents do for us that we sometimes might not notice.  We discuss the importance of respecting our parents and appreciating them for all that they do.  We talk about things we can do to show our appreciation and love.


Teachers are aware of home situations where a child might not have a father or mother or either one.  Making gifts should always be open to whoever you would like to show your appreciation for whether it be a grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, etc. 


Doing away with this tradition will never happen in my classroom.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Why is this sort of thing in school to begin with? There must be a better use of their time.

Teaching respect and appreciation for our parents is something that many kids will not learn anywhere else.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

@candys mine wrote:

School is for education.  Every religious or non-government holiday should be ignored by the schools. If equality is their goal, uniforms would go a long way toward uniformity for all.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Holidays, Personally I think they are a great window into understanding other cultures.  BUT,If you don't have enough for everyone, put it away.

Um..... learning about holidays and traditions IS education.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

Children have been dealing well with this for decades.  Up till now when everyone it seems is offended by something and then things have to change for those few to feel NORMAL.    


I was raised in a single parent family and made items for a male who was not my father who meant something to me.   I was not tramtized because both my birth and adopted father were not in my life.   When you get lemons make lemonaide not choose to be a victim.  Other wise you are the looser.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: Opinions RE Mother/Father Holidays at School

[ Edited ]

@Kcubed wrote:


Teachers I see everyday spend hours at night grading papers and planning lessons and do not get one penny for their efforts of this overtime work.  

Actually, most professionals work far more than 40 hours per week and are on-call almost around-the-clock. Teachers aren't unique in this respect.  They are well-compensated - at least the ones in my area are - and receive excellent benefits, including pensions and healthcare.  Whenever I hear one moaning about having to buy classroom supplies, I suggest the school district will be able to afford supplies - and much more -  when teachers contribute more to their health insurance and switch from a defined benefit pension to a defined contribution plan.