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One Good Thing About Social media

I am someone who's always bashing social media.  I see so many negative things where social medial is concerned.


However, when I come here I find myself often reading the same questions I've asked or thought but not openly mentioned.


Just a few minutes ago I saw where someone posted a question about 'where's the Dyson girl (Suzy)'.  I know, I know, a sill question, but when I saw someone in her place I found myself wondering where she was.


I guess we regular QVC viewers just get used to seeing the same presenters on each item.  We notice changes.  Sometimes we're happy about the change and sometimes....errrrr...not so much.  But we do notice.


I think it shows that as different as humans are, they are just as similar.


Perhaps if we could all remember that a little more often we would be happier.  Hummmm??? I think I'm just reminding myself to be less critical of people....whatever.

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Re: One Good Thing About Social media

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Re: One Good Thing About Social media

There are only two that I would miss, Meridith and Chris the Lock & Lock lady. I just do 't really notice the others.

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Re: One Good Thing About Social media

Social media is just like anything else, it has good points and bad points.  A user just has to use common sense in what they read, see and believe.


I like coming here to chat, see whats happening, to learn, be helpful if I can.

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Re: One Good Thing About Social media





1 good thing? This Bulletin Board, provided to us by QVC.  I have zero interest in FB/Twitter or whatever other, minute by minute diary's exist. I still prefer seeing to whom I am speaking when possible, people like yourself would be an honor for me.


Bad things? Too many for me to list!





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Re: One Good Thing About Social media

I don't think of this board as social media.  It's restricted and moderated.  Social media is just like everything else in the world; there are positives and there are negatives.  

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Re: One Good Thing About Social media

Speaking of changes at the Q, what happened to Jayne Brown and Pat James Dementry (sp) on Monday and Friday mornings?  I have not seem them on together for a long time.  If there was an announcement, I must have missed it.  I liked them together for the style shows.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: One Good Thing About Social media



Once again, right on the mark. 👍

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: One Good Thing About Social media

[ Edited ]





Tomato/tomat'o. To me I am using a media source to communicate. Guess that definition depends on one's involment in this era of electronically communicating with others.




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Re: One Good Thing About Social media

@Puppy Lips wrote:

Speaking of changes at the Q, what happened to Jayne Brown and Pat James Dementry (sp) on Monday and Friday mornings?  I have not seem them on together for a long time.  If there was an announcement, I must have missed it.  I liked them together for the style shows.


Jayne and Pat haven't done their morning show for at least a couple of years now.