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Posts: 181
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

OK, I am so confused!!!!  I knew the change was going to be a problem for me.  Why change it when I thought it was easier to understand before?  I guess the Q doesn't want seniors talking.  It's like when a grocery store does a floor move. You knew what was in all the isles, then poof you are in another demension!

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Posts: 383
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@dmqshopper ... I'm with you. Together, we all will figure it out with a little time.

Still Tabbycat ~~ Less is More ~~
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,521
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Jerz glad to see you here. Hope you can get around on here I think it is terrible and not entertaining at all. Hope the whole family is doing good and you have a nice summer. If it ever quits raining, which it is doing this moment.