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Omg BOA card hacked (follow up) now ours!!!

Please check your debit & credit cards with BOA!! I had posted my sons card was hacked 2x's in the last 6 months or so. Imagine my surprise when I returned home and my spouse told me he went into BOA to change over our credit card to a different rewards card. The bank person said "we can close this account & re-issue a new rewards card BUT before we do you'll have to pay off the balance." He said what balance haven't used the card since September for a purchase of admissions to Universal, Orlando and paid in full when bill came. He then informed him there was a balance ($139.56) $79.08 was done 12/24/14 at Tom Thumb and 12/29 at same place 60.48. Needless to say, not our charges and it turns out this is a convenience/gas station. I am just putting this here as my friend in Michigan also deals with BOA and had her card hacked at a convenience store too. When she called she was on hold with the fraud unit she told us for 45 minutes due to high call volume. Just wondering since now it has personally happened to us -- has anyone heard of anything going on w BOA that may not be "common knowledge" now I'm thinking cash is going to be the way to go for awhile I don't trust using my card. (Ps: it always seems to be at gas/convenience stores that's where they hacked my sons too)
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Omg BOA card hacked (follow up) now ours!!!

I remember reading your post about your sons card.....I am sorry its happened to you....

I have been hacked with my Wells Fargo account and my B&N MasterCard....fortunately both places called me before they let them go through....but they did have to cancel my cards and reissue new ones....

I find myself checking all my accounts daily...sometimes twice daily just to keep an eye on them for odd looking charges....

Its a shame we have cards and then afraid to use them...when I was hacked I kept going over in my mind where I had used it last to narrow it down...but I never really knew...

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Omg BOA card hacked (follow up) now ours!!!

I responded to your other thread because my credit card had also been used fraudulently, although it was not BOA. I received a call from another financial institution yesterday that my other credit card had been used fraudulently. These cards are with two different financial institutions, neither BOA. I'm beginning to think this is the way of the world now. Everything seems to be getting hacked.

My husband and I began paying cash for most things when a lot of major retailers were getting hacked; however, online purchases require a credit card.

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Re: Omg BOA card hacked (follow up) now ours!!!

I used my CC to renew my car registration at DMV online one morning and by dinner my card was rejected and came back as "non-existent". Called CU and they said sometime around lunch there were a bunch of little tiny charges, all from NY (I don't live there) and under $5 and that's a clue for fraudulent charges. I was told this is probably all still part of the Target or Home Depot hack but I told them that was at least a year ago for Target. They said, true, but card databases contain tens of thousands of numbers and it'll take a long time to go thru them all and they probably were selling them to others to charge and we may see these issues for years in the future because of this.

I no longer get financial statements in the mail and go online at least 3 or 4 times a week - doing so means I can spot any anomalies as they occur and get them wiped off the record quickly.

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Posts: 6,868
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Omg BOA card hacked (follow up) now ours!!!

On another note, both my cards had fraudulent charges to dating websites. I find this alarming too - another way to scam people.