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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

Just checking in BJ. Hope you are feeling better and will be able to go and be with our brother and other family. You and Tommy and Pal and the whole family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

Continued thoughts and prayers for you, Tommy, and your family.

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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

I'm very glad that he's slowly but surely getting better, little by little. I hope your brother continues to improve, beauty junkie. He sounds like a sweetie pie.

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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

Hi everyone and thank you so much for following my brothers story and the prayers,still so greatly needed. Tommy didn't have surgery today,was too weak but tomorrow he will have surgery on the broken leg as they are worried about a blood clot. The took him off the vent and he was able to speak a bit. He is in a lot of pain,broken sternum too and rebroke the neck. he is a mess but he is so strong that things are looking a bit more promising.

HappyDaze,Sammycat,Tissyanne,bigsister,Lucylover,NCBandwagon and grand thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying for Tommy.d to the third and emmiesmom thank you both so much for the prayers you said,I know all the prayers are the reason Tommy is still here with us.

Bless you all.

beauty junkie

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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

beauty, I just read your last update. I will continue to pray for Tommy, and will be thinking of you all this weekend. God bless.
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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

beauty junkie, sending prayers for your brother...


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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

beauty, continued prayers for Tommy
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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

Tissyanne,Kalli and Sheltie Mom thank you for checking in here on my brother and for praying which he so desperately needs. He had the surgery on his badly damaged femur and got through it thankfully but is very weak and it tremendous pain.They want to operate on his neck and spine on Monday but we so fear he is too weak. Please pray that he gets stornger and his pain eases up but he surely is a fighter and God is most certainly watching over my brother or he wouldn't even be here. Thanks you all so much.

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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

beauty, prayers for Tommy's pain to lessen, and for him to gain the strength to endure the surgery he needs. beauty, relax with Cookie, and feel better.
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Re: OT/My brother is in critical condition after car accident,prayers needed please

I wanted to ask much earlier if Tommy was any nearer to having any surgery but thought I would wait until now. On the 11th, you had written a small memo that you could hardly think clearly. How are you doing after-those several days- since your sister has arrived there in Virginia from North Carolina? I do not believe you have mentioned anything about your mother's condition with this tragic accident. I am very optimistic to hear that Tommy came through the femur surgery this soon. The large bone had to have been either fractured in two places or part of the bone had pierced through his skin, from your description `BADLY`. The (cervical discs) will definitely have to wait. The trauma to his lung,also can be taken care of, if not already. The antibiotics are for the prevention of any chance of pneumonia. You had told us that he is in tremendous pain. He is allowed pain medication around the clock every four hours. I wanted you to know this.

The stress of this entire accident can and will cause you to have more than a flare up with your health issues, including the stress related problems from your own (almost helpless) health symptoms. Learning everything via phone/email; without being there for yourself to ask or sit by his side is worse, as you wait. Honestly, I would not rush the possibility of going this alone, traveling... Unless there is any change. And I do not believe so. Could you or have you thought of air travel, even for two days? I just do not 'think' any car travel would be any decision you would consider that far(??).

I am believing that Tommy is in leg traction as a stabilizing splint. This will take quite a few weeks, so do not be surprised if he has to have any nursing home/ rehabilitation admission for further intervention.

Your friends here and I have continuing prayers for Tommy, your family and you. I know that you want to be there, and I hope that can be possible.

Again, God Bless This Family.

God hears all of our prayers. God is the Great Physician.
