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Talk about age descrimination! You all sound very disrespectul! I'm just not into making fun of those who are older.

"Pure Michigan"
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@kaydee50 wrote:

They all looked old, especially Mick, when they were in their 20s.  Honestly, they don't look much different to me now, LOL!!



I agree! Especially Bill Wyman, to me.  When I was a child and first saw the Stones on Ed Sullivan I thought Bill Wyman was an old man. Smiley Very Happy 


In my child's eyes, The Beatles were so beautiful and the Stones, so ugly.  Who knew as I became a teen that I'd have a crush on Mick.  

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@ID2 wrote:

Talk about age descrimination! You all sound very disrespectul! I'm just not into making fun of those who are older.



You sound like you're taking this much too seriously...on the internet, you'll get eaten alive.

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Hope there is a US tour planned - I am THERE!    I saw the Stones in every decade since the 60's.   Last show I saw was in 2019, glad that Charlie was still there.  My daughter went to a concert with me about 2005.  She was making fun of them beforehand but she kept saying, I didn't know this was their song.  She knew all the words and was singing and dancing right along.  I was singing and dancing right along myself.

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They do have "lived in" faces..  I like faces like that.  Great band, for sure.


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Mick Jagger can swivel his little hips as good as he ever could!

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Mick Jagger's father was a PE instructor and a gymnast. 

Perhaps Mick keeps a healthy lifestyle - he did stop using drugs decades ago.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:


I saw blurb on the news this weekend about the Stones--that they're going to release an album some time this fall.


There was a photograph of them and OH MY GOD!!! they each look older than Methuselah! Mick Jagger is just as skinny as ever and he's covering the countryside with children, left, right, and center.


I'm afraid one of the guitarists will break off a finger in the middle of a song.

LOL  Mick Jagger is a tiny man.  They have some stage clothing on display at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and I was amazed at how small his jacket and pants were.