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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

@cater wrote:

I found this topic very interesting I have read every post. Thank you One White Sparrow



cater,  Thank You.  I needed to read positive words written to me.   Thank you. 


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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

[ Edited ]

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@SuiGeneris wrote:

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

@SuiGeneris wrote:

I have another thought, since we are discussing a place of Christian worship and the significance of it's street address in numerology.


In regard to numerology, the Bible says:


“When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.  There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. But as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do this.




Gosh darn it... now what?  (smile)


Let's move along, and grow together, and get wiser. 


That same book also says:  

God does not listen to those that worship in buildings made with hands.  


No, the Bible does not say that.


It says,


Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says.


You won't find God residing in a building, because He resides [dwells] in our hearts and minds.  God doesn't need buildings for worship, He wants us to accept Him in our hearts and minds.  That act does not require a building.



I guess this is the end of thed topic of Numerology I might educate you on your own religion and what your books says.  


King James version.    Book of Acts,  Chapter 17, Verse 24.  


God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth NOT in temples made with hands.  


Now the forum Gods can end this topic and toss us all out.  What the heck.  


You merely quoted a slightly different version of the verse I posted.  Mine was Acts 7:48; yours was from Acts 17.  You are agreeing with me with your posted Bible verse, not with yourself. 


You originally said, "God does not LISTEN to those that worship in buildings made with hands."  There is a vast difference between God listening to and God dwelling in


To reiterate, I agree that God does not necessarily DWELL in temples made with hands.  He DWELLS in the hearts and minds of those that have accepted him as their Lord and Savior.  God doesn't need any kind of building to "house" HIM in order for us to worship Him.  We can worship Him anytime and anywhere we chose, indoors or outdoors, daytime or nighttime. 


And, God does listen to us when we pray.  If we are going to use the Bible as a legitimate reference source [as you just did], I will quote from Chronicles:


. . . if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -- Oscar Wilde
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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

Sui.... I will not read your posts.   This Topic is about Numerology not YOUR religion.  Period.


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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

standing O, Sui !!!!!
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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

Sui.... I will not read your posts.   This Topic is about Numerology not YOUR religion.  Period.


Why not?


My posts are in my own words.


That used to be your criteria for reading/not reading a person's postings.


The post had to be their own words, not a long copy and paste from another website.


The only part that is not "my own words" is the same part in your post that was not your own words . . . the Bible verses.


Unless, of course, you are claiming to have written the Bible.


Woman Surprised



Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -- Oscar Wilde
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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

can we please just go back to numbers please??

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Re: Numerology and that church address.......

What I found interesting that Pythagoras, one of the philosophers of ancient Europe, is generally accepted as the founder of the Sciece of Numbers.   He was born about the year 590 B.C.  He learned the lesson of meditation and developed a great love of the stars.  


Look around the world and notice how many buildings and objects are connected using certain numbers that are understood to have mystical values.  


Some carry numbers inside their wallet or hand bag.  For many years I have always carried the number 8 inside my wallet.  And that mystical 8 has never let me down.  

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Posts: 597
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Numerology and that church address.......

I like the number 8 . . .


But, only if it's turned on its side . . .



Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -- Oscar Wilde
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Registered: ‎08-05-2011

Re: Numerology and that church address.......

While talking with my stock broker I ask her for her birthday, and name at birth to do her numerology to better understand who she is without her telling me.   I was please she was open to me and gave me the information.  I felt she needed to be as open with me as I am open with her.  


I did her numerology and gave it to her and she was delighted to know about her future Destiny.   Of course I was pleased to know she would be great working with stocks.  That was what I needed to know about her.  So to this day we are partners.  She will rise to great areas in life..... wonderful human and has a great spirit of heart.   She is the perfect business partner for me.   She also has a 8 in her wallet.   


It is best to know who you hang out with in life.   You know them only by what they tell you.  But numerology gives you their blue print of who they are without them telling you.  

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Posts: 7,288
Registered: ‎03-27-2012

Re: Numerology and that church address.......

@SuiGeneris wrote:

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

Sui.... I will not read your posts.   This Topic is about Numerology not YOUR religion.  Period.


Why not?


My posts are in my own words.


That used to be your criteria for reading/not reading a person's postings.


The post had to be their own words, not a long copy and paste from another website.


The only part that is not "my own words" is the same part in your post that was not your own words . . . the Bible verses.


Unless, of course, you are claiming to have written the Bible.


Woman Surprised



The answer is because once again SuiGenereris you posted the truth about the verse that was quoted. To say that this thread had nothing to to with religion, when the premise is that a house of worship's address should be changed because of numerology, is as disingenuous as the phony quote "God does not listen to those that worship in buildings made with hands."