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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@CelticCrafter wrote:

@cherry wrote:

I read China is building 5 new hospitals to help combat this , so indeed some good has come from this, for the people of China

I doubt they are real brick and mortar hospitals, most likely they're more like temporary mash tents.



@CelticCrafter, it will be a 1,000 bed hospital and is expected to be in full operation I believe by early next week.  It really is quite a feat, but they have done things like this before with the SARS epidemic they faced.


I believe this link should be okay that shows all of the big machinery they brought in & work on the building thus far: 

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

Regarding washing our hands in elementary school.........years ago, too.


Well, it was something we were instructed to do, in a calm, nice, friendly way.  Very nice teachers.

The washroom was behind the 'cloak room' where we hung our jackets on lowered hooks, and where we placed our lunch bags/lunch pails. 

We were very, very young.........I'm guessing First or Second Grade?  

So many years ago, difficult to recall the exact grade time frame. 


Anyway, it was something I was used to, as my Mom always said 'Wash your hands first' before lunch, dinner, cookies, snacks, etc.


In fact, I'm envisioning her right now. Heart


It became sort of an automatic thing to do before touching food.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@dex wrote:

@QueenDanceALot @I hope you can stay well.Do you have any special things you do to prevent sickness?



I eat well, try to get enough good sleep, wash my hands A LOT, keep my hands away from my face, keep my distance from people who are coughing or who say they have not been feeling well.


I've only had the bonafide flu once in my life, when I was 23.  I have, however, had bronchitis more times than I can even remember, and three times I've had pneumonia.  I know that once you've had pneumonia you are more likely to get it had you never had it.  I've tried a number of strategies to avoid both, but up until this year I've been less than successful!  This year (well, last year) I started taking a medicinal mushroom blend and also taking a Mullein Leaf supplement (capsules) and drinking a tea I brew from mullein leaf that I buy at my local food co-op.  Knock wood, I am staying well while I watch many others succomb to flu, other respiratory illness, intestinal viruses, etc.



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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@QueenDanceALot @Thanks..thought I should say that I make shots each day.1orange,I pice of ginger,some lemon and a turmeric root.I haven’t been sick yet either.

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

I just got a word on my newsbreak app that Arkansas, where I am has its first case of this coronavirus. 

I'm not going to have a fit over this, I just find it rather odd that we have it here. 

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@happycat wrote:

I just got a word on my newsbreak app that Arkansas, where I am has its first case of this coronavirus. 

I'm not going to have a fit over this, I just find it rather odd that we have it here. 


At this point (8pm), it's still being NOT CONFIRMED.




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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

Thank you, @sidsmom. What I read, I understood that it was a for sure thing and now I cannot find it on the newsbreak app. 

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@happycat wrote:

Thank you, @sidsmom. What I read, I understood that it was a for sure thing and now I cannot find it on the newsbreak app. 


That's cool.

There was an Arkansas news outlet who ran with confirmed

but the article they attached was 'not confirmed.'  

Simple mistake. They corrected quickly but unfortunately

news outlets picked up on the mistake. 💛

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@reiki604 wrote:

@Buffalogal47 before you condemn China for it's lack of hygeine, look to the poverty stricken areas of the USA first.Let's fix our own before we start pointing fingers anywhere else.

Exactly - wasn't there a recent typhus outbreak in CA due to the filthy conditions the homeless are enduring?

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@dex wrote:

@QueenDanceALot @Thanks..thought I should say that I make shots each day.1orange,I pice of ginger,some lemon and a turmeric root.I haven’t been sick yet either.

@dex   Do you juice the orange and then add the other stuff?  Sounds kinda tasty.


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