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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@patbz: Of course China is taking Draconian steps to stop the spread of the Coronavirus: with 1.4 billion people they have to. It is true that China has made great progress in improving living conditions, but they still have a very long way to go. My daughter is an OR nurse and 6 years ago she accompanied doctors on a Mission Trip for Doctors without borders. She was in the city of Hohhot, in the Inner Mongolian region. She told me some things about the place that would curl your hair. Let's just say that Chinese cities appear to be clean on the surface. I'm not saying that China isn't a fascinating place to visit; of course it is. But the reality is that there is an appalling lack of hygiene and that in itself contributes to the rapid spread of disease.

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

i have not seen any hysteria, just information.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

I have never been, but my son has taught there. I don't know what the name of the city was , but it was big wheat producing area , and they had noodles with every meal ,rather than rice


It also must have been a manufacturing area, because my son said while he was there , a riot broke out,over how dirty the river water was. It was badly polluted from  some type of waste products. The people were so angry ,because their drinking water came from this river...sort of like the poor people in Flint ,I suspect..He didn't mention any lack of personal hygiene , but the people he was teaching were  most likely a different class of people. They might have even been considered the elite,  but I am not sure about that

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Re: <p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong><span>&nbsp;realistic th...

@SilleeMee wrote:

One, rather hysterical, woman I saw at Walmart the other morning was carrying on with saying something like:  "People are dropping like flies all over the world because of this virus"...or something like that.  To me this kind of behavior tells me that some people are fearing for their lives and that they apparently do not know the facts. I hate to say it, but I'm blaming the media for reactions such as that.

@SilleeMee   I agree.  Some people live their lives in perpetual hysteria and all they need to see is one person declaring that this is worse than it seems in this country and off they go.


Some people look for the extreme negative; some dismiss the issue, and some find a balance by listening to professionals in the know and not to those stirring up fear for their own underlying agenda.


It will be fine; it's sad for those affected especially those who have died, but 5 cases in the USA (and in the past few days no new cases and no deaths with those 5 cases) is hardly cause for hysteria.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

I read China is building 5 new hospitals to help combat this , so indeed some good has come from this, for the people of China

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@Buffalogal47 before you condemn China for it's lack of hygeine, look to the poverty stricken areas of the USA first.Let's fix our own before we start pointing fingers anywhere else.

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@cherry wrote:

I read China is building 5 new hospitals to help combat this , so indeed some good has come from this, for the people of China

@cherry   I saw a brief clip-apparently they are like isolation units to keep affected people away form hospital buildings.  Like the mobile units we see during Ebola outbreaks only more structured.


They are working very hard to stop this outbreak; it must be very hard for those living way out in the most rural of areas, too. 

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

I think the Chinese are clever and industrious. They greatly suffered under Mao, and many of the best minds were sent to work in the fields ,instead of doing what they were trained for. They have over come a lot , and I suspect we will see great advancements in their  medical care too..

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

@cherry wrote:

I read China is building 5 new hospitals to help combat this , so indeed some good has come from this, for the people of China

I doubt they are real brick and mortar hospitals, most likely they're more like temporary mash tents.

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Re: Number of new cases rose by 60% overnight

The most recent time I recall anything close to a panic here was the Anthrax scare it late 2001.  In large part because it came so close after 9/11 people were very on edge.


i remember in offices instructions on how to handle and dispose of mail were handed out and those opening the mail were given gloves.