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Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

[ Edited ]

Just saw on facebook, people are complaining about Reeses peanut butter Christmas trees. They look like blobs, not trees (according to complaints).


(Google and it will come up with pictures)


Yes that's right, first Starbucks cups, now Reeses.


Well maybe the machine malfunctioned and shaped them wrong? I say put your Reeses tree in your mouth and eat it and get over it. lol...(Reeses are my favorite and only candy I eat besides Hershey kisses!).


I don't know, people complain over too many things now days that are nonsense IMO.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

That's very funny.  I just looked it up, and they really look like blobs.  I wonder if it's because it's been a warmer season, and they are melting during the candy making process or during transport.  Some of the pictures I saw showed a hint of a tree shape to them, so at least they tried!

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

LOL Blobby Christmas Trees!


This most likely is occurring because production has been sent  south of the equator. 

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

The trees are manufactured at the Hershey factory in PA.  My sister and her family live in that area, and I know it's been unseasonably warm there this year.  If you look closely at the "blob" pictures, you can see an outline of the tree sort of hidden within the edges of the blob.  It really looks like they kind of melted and spread out.

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

[ Edited ]

Everyone should just close their eyes, eat some Reeses, and then RELAX for crying out loud. And then have a Starbucks in the red cup. 

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

I'll eat a Reese's tree in any condition.

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

Oh some people aren't happy unless there is something to offend them.


It's not like they took the tree off the packaging but if the machine did malfunction what were the quality control people doing!

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

Even if they looked like perfect little Christmas trees, in moments they'll look like blobs when eaten.  For goodness sakes to the people expending their energy complaining about this.  If they have the energy to raise a fuss about this, they need to go find some volunteer work or something to do, to take their time and energy up in a more constructive way.


The candy company that makes Reece's is a private company, like Starbucks is.  They can do whatever they want with their candy.  Make them into little devils for all I care - esp. as long as they taste the same as good old Reece's..  What happened to this being a free country?  

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Re: Now Reeses Peanut butter tree complaints...

As long as they taste the same, and are the same weight. (oz.)