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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

This (in my opinion) is rewarding bad behavior.  Think about it.  If you want to break a law but you don't simply so you can get paid not to break the law, then I see it as you are putting a temporary 'band aid' on the problem.


Most people go through life never breaking the law because they believe it is wrong.  I envision someone saying that they were 'thinking of breaking the law, but didn't......where's my money'.


This (in my opinion) rates up there with giving every kid the same trophy for participating in something.  You are killing the will/drive to achieve.


You have a child.  The child looks to you for guidance.  The child goes to touch the stove and you say, "No!  Hot!".  Then the child goes back to the stove and looks at you BEFORE he goes to touch the stove.  He is warning you, or asking for permission, or simply wants to hear, "Thank you for listening to me".  Believe it or not, that's what I'd say to my toddlers when they listened.  It was obvious that they were pleased with themselves.


You are teaching a child to 'police' themselves (i.e. behavior).


My oldest daughter is a fan of using the phrase 'slippery slope' with many things.


I think that phrase really applies to this idea the DC Council wants to enact.


Washington, DC has so many problems.  Most of the people who live outside of the DC area have no idea.  Yet they continue to think of ways to reward good behavior in a terrible way.


This program is trying to teach something that needs to come from within a person and needs to be nurtured during the formative years of a child.


Just what do you think all of the amazing, wonderful people in the DC area are going to feel when they know instead of following in mom and dad (or relative's footsteps, as is often the case) of breaking the law, they chose he right path.  But by choosing the right path in the beginning they are losing money!


That sounds pathetic to me.  

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

[ Edited ]

The innmates are running the assylum. 

Actually it shows all that the current DC Council never had a clue as to how to run a country.  NEVER.

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

I didn't read the link but this idea just boggles my mind. I am assuming the stipend comes out of taxes from paychecks of law abiding citizens. Seems to me that we should use that money to try to rehabilitate non-violent criminals -- teach them a trade while they are behind bars and encourage them to turn their lives around not reward them monetarily for not committing a crime. 

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

This post has been removed by QVC. Sorry, controversial and may take the thread off topic.

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

@Brittany-QVC wrote:
This post has been removed by QVC. Sorry, controversial and may take the thread off topic.

That's too bad.  What I posted was the truth and the reality for millions of poor and minority.  I guess it's better to proclaim that the "inmates are running the asylum" than to attempt some empathy for the plight of the disadvantaged.

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

[ Edited ]

I am sorry, I don't believe in paying anyone to NOT commit crimes. Simply abide by the laws, like everyone else. Ugh stuff like this truly annoys me. Why shouldn't all of us who don't commit crimes get paid too? ABSURD!

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

@akaburtonfan wrote:

I didn't read the link but this idea just boggles my mind. I am assuming the stipend comes out of taxes from paychecks of law abiding citizens. Seems to me that we should use that money to try to rehabilitate non-violent criminals -- teach them a trade while they are behind bars and encourage them to turn their lives around not reward them monetarily for not committing a crime. 

Of course it will, where else?

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

Let me say up front that I am a fairly liberal person. Nevertheless, this idea is pure lunacy, a total abrogation of governmental and civic responsibility, and a complete admission of failure. I think there are people out there, in the public and private sectors, who just might be able to come up with some better ideas for spending our money to help prevent crime.

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

@Annabellethecat66 I totally agree with you. Since when is bad behavior rewarded?  This whole idea is ridiculous.  


Are we a country of civilized human beings or a bunch of heathens?


Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we go back to the Wild Wild West days and I'll just shoot you on sight when you commit a crime against me or my community. Makes about as much sense. Lord help us. 

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Re: Now I've Heard Everything!

The only time I MAY consider this idea is if the criminals (or potential criminals) that agree to the program, if they commit a crime during that time period, they will have to PAY the equivalent amount of of what the stipend would have been, PLUS all the costs associated with arresting them, court proceedings, etc. Now THAT would be a better solution but guaranteed, the majority would a.) not sign up for the program at all, or b.) just default on paying all the fees anyway.