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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

I have a former co worker who has a mentally ill son. They have had to call an ambulance because he cuts himself and then is profusely bleeding and needs to go to the hospital. They have tried to have him hospitalized when these incidents occur to no avail - they send him home with no change in his treatment. This summer one day he gets into one of these moods and starts cutting himself and when his dad tried to stop him he slashed the knife at the dad and severely cut the dad. The dad has a fib and is on anticoag therapy so was bleeding profusely and had to call an ambulance. The police came and arrested the son, because the hospital treating the dad reported he was violent. Now the son was in jail instead of where he NEEDED to be , which is a hospital.  When he was scheduled to be released from jail the Mom called his doctor to try and get him admitted to the hospital. She literally begged - they kept him in the hospital 2 days, and did nothing to change his therapy. These parents can't afford a private hospital but that was their only choice . They had to take out a mortgage on their home to pay to put him in a private hospital. They are at the end of their rope with this and no one has any advice to help them. right now he is still in the private hospital, but they are fast running out of money. what are people supposed to do?

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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?


The same way that many advocate being done For one of our other rights.  I think most preferred to call them background checks.  The last time I looked driving was a privilege not one of our rights.







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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

Chrystaltree, on all of our stations the FATHER himself has stated she  has mental illness problems. He said he has taken her for treatments but she turned 21 there was nothing else he could do. CBS,  ABC all showed the Dad talking.

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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

I see what you're saying, that a car is as much a weapon as anything else and that mentally-disturbed access should be restricted.  But I can't get too hopped-up about it while our legislators refuse to regulate access to other more dangerous weapons - our so-called God-given rights.

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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

@hckynutjohn wrote:


The same way that many advocate being done For one of our other rights.  I think most preferred to call them background checks.  The last time I looked driving was a privilege not one of our rights.









Background checks do nothing to infringe upon one's "right" to own a gun.  It has been proven by the Brady Foundation that they can help to keep guns out of the wrong hands. 


Background checks are done for most job applicants.  For me, it makes total sense that someone who wants to own a killing implement should at least go through the same scrutiny that someone who wants to work for WalMart does.

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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

@chrystaltree wrote:

Well, if you started a thread so you could NOT talk about it.  Why the heck should we do the talking for 




     I am talking about it. Wanted to see what others had to say about it.




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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

@mstyrion 1 wrote:

Indeed, this was a tragedy,but it should not be used as a transparent attempt to link this tragedy to gun violence and the need for reasonable gun control.


We don't yet know what motivated this young woman to do what she did. Mental illness may play a part, but I don't think anyone believes that all people with mental illness should be prohibited from driving.


I recall a case several years ago where an elderly person lost control of a car in a crowd in San Diego.  Many people were killed and hurt. Should we prohibit all old people from driving too?


In my opinion, there are vast differences in driving regulations and regulations that should be put in place for responsible gun ownership. 



I appreciate your opinion even though I disagree.





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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

@chickenbutt wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Well, if you started a thread so you could NOT talk about it.  Why the heck should we do the talking for 


It seems to me that the OP started the thread for the express purpose of baiting.  It couldn't just be left at discussing the incident.  It had to become a jab on others.


  I am interested in what others had to say about this topic.  If you want to consider that baiting?




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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

@Desertdi wrote:

How would the DMV go about giving mental competency tests to millions of people?    It could also bring about civil rights questions..........    

Hi Di.  Still a lovely Killer Klutz? 

I don't think Civil Rights are involved.  Driving is considered a privledge in all states and can be revoked at any time regardless of one's sanity or mental issues. 

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Re: Nothing about Stillwater crash?

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

@Desertdi wrote:

How would the DMV go about giving mental competency tests to millions of people?    It could also bring about civil rights questions..........    

Hi Di.  Still a lovely Killer Klutz? 

I don't think Civil Rights are involved.  Driving is considered a privledge in all states and can be revoked at any time regardless of one's sanity or mental issues. 


I'm not sure where you got that a driver's license can be revoked at any time. 

They are not revoked unless there is cause to question the person's ability to drive. Licenses aren't revoked capriciously. 


It may be a privilege to drive, but the state cannot revoke a license for no cause.

~Enough is enough~