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Not showing original price on air during a clearance show?

Maybe I missed it, but I watched about 20 min of the Christmas clearance show with Jacque and not once did I see them show the original pre-clearance sale price on air. Is this new?

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Re: Not showing original price on air during a clearance show?

thinking the same as you bikerbabe, we don't know if we are getting a deal or ripped off. At least HSN showed us what the original price was then their sale price. I bought nothing today since the original price was not shown.

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Re: Not showing original price on air during a clearance show?

Isn't part of putting something on clearance getting excited about how much off the original price something is? Guess QVC thinks differently. Lol
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Re: Not showing original price on air during a clearance show?

Pretty sleazy I have to pull it up online to find out if it's more than $2 off.

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Re: Not showing original price on air during a clearance show?

On 12/29/2014 brii said: Isn't part of putting something on clearance getting excited about how much off the original price something is? Guess QVC thinks differently. Lol

Amen brii!!


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Re: Not showing original price on air during a clearance show?

They don't show the original price because it's usually only $1 or $2 off, on clearance.

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