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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

Yes due to being insulin-dependent (type-2 diabetes)..

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

We work a day shift in our household, so we eat by the clock.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

It may be boring but I do better with a meal schedule.  

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

My SO and I eat breakfast seperately when we are ready, eat no midday meal - just light snacks and have supper when it's ready or we are hungry.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

now that my kids are grown, i am OFF the clock when it comes to meals. for example, i can eat my dinner as early as 5pm or as late as 9pm.....depends what i am doing, who i am with, where i am, and how hungry i am.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

[ Edited ]

@michigangirl723 wrote:

I definitely do not eat by the clock, my husband on the other hand does. Not necessarily at a certain time everyday, but he eats breakfast, eats a small snack 2 hours later...then eats lunch 3 hours later, snack 2 hours later...and so on throughout the day. Drives me nuts bc I have to ask daily, "What time does dinner need to be ready today?" bc it all depends on his hourly schedule that daySmiley LOL





" Drives me nuts"? "Dinner need to be ready"?  Sounds like your husband is just like many of my male co-workers. They went from "momma to wife". Oh well, to each be their own. .  



If things ever got to "drives me nuts", it would be very short lived. Being independent is sure nice.









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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

[ Edited ]

@hckynut I guess my sense of humor didn't interpret well through my response. I was being sarcastic. It does't drive me's my way of saying, "I wish he didn't have this crazy I need to eat at certain times schedule." And I enjoy cooking and having dinner on the table for him, but thanks for your concern...we all have our own relationships that work for usSmiley Happy Oh, and he didn't have a mom to do that for him, so I'm sure it's a nice change for him when we got marriedSmiley Happy

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

Both husband and myself are now retired. We each eat on our own schedules.   We eat when we each are hungry. 



  He might have a sandwich at 1pm, and his dinner will be at 7 PM. We do not eat meals together... we never have in the 39 years of marriage.  We might eat the same meal....but usually at different times....when we are hungry, not by the clock. 


I sometimes have a meal about 11am...yogurt with fruit or the like, but not always.  Some days I only eat one meal in the day  at at about 3:30pm.  I feel better not eating a lot of food or eating all day long.  I listen to my body more now that my day is unscheduled and calm, not like when I was working.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

Meals are at no set times here. I have made dinner as late as 9pm.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

We eat one meal a day that is really what we consider a meal. During the week it is around 6:00 P.M. and on the weekends it is arround 3:00 P.M. We may have a snack or something light during the day on the weekends but we actually only eat when we are both hungry. When our daughter was growing up we ate at certain times and always balanced meals. Now we just dow what we want we want when we want!! LOL